I'm testing out some other MMOs and playing League of Legends, for the most part. I do intend to get some more points in the HoM though. I need that badass looking sword!
I'd love help on the HoM, if you've got time. JR's already helped out a bit, but our time zones don't exactly mesh well. Anywho, we definitely could open up a thread HoM stuff, somewhere.
Still playing Guild Wars, of course. Had been playing some Team Fortress 2, some Borderlands, some Dragon Age: Origins, some Minecraft... and waiting for more titles such as Portal 2, Max Payne 3, Stronghold 3, Diablo 3 as well. :p
Right now I'm into Guild Wars though, after a (ahem) 2 year hiatus. Finishing up WiK, doing some of the elite missions. I'm actually having a great time doing it too!
I'm thinking of buying Brotherhood but don't know if my fingers can take it. Literally, the PC version of this game is insane. Hand cramps because you literally CANNOT use 6 fingers on your left hand.
I recently bought Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64) for the N64 :D. I'm gonna dive deep down into some nostalgia, using bombs wisely as time flies closer to the release!
I just got a chance to finally play Red Dead Redemption. Awesome game. I bought Fallout: NV couple of weeks ago, only been on it for a few hours sadly. Hard to find free time these days. Apart from that, I'm back in GW as well trying to finish the HOM.
I just finished Fallout: New Vegas. That was a great game, in my opinion, if not riddled with bugs. I recently bought Call of Duty: Black Ops for the PC. If you have it, add me on Steam. My username is Gameanamic (although, my handle is just Windmill)
Fable 3: my character is already looking BADASS and that's mostly what Fable is about to me.
I still have to get around doing Black Ops and the new AC. And my Kinect unit should arrive tomorrow or the day after /happyface
If you liked the previous AC games, then I think you will really like the new AC, Jonny. I can't believe how much optional stuff there is to do in this one. It's like they threw in anything they could think of. lol
No, not really. They really haven't done anything in the way of game changes since beta. Big update in a week or two apparently which will change the way things function (menus, better key-mapping for PC users), but I don't get the impression there's going to be anything new content-wise.
I mostly play FFXI. Finished New Vegas last weekend and started it again on Hardcode mode, going for a different ending this time.
This weekend I actually played rather a lot of Odin Sphere, after not touching it for over a year. Still not finished that game. Got it ages ago for £2 because the retailer had lost the case. Played over 70 hours. Bargain!