Actually, there is a number of things that can be done, and a number of things that CANT be done.
- What CANNOT be done -
1. Soe, as in Sony Online Entertainment CANNOT do much against this threat.
Other than attempt at putting programing blocks in their way, and MAYBE find a way to track the billions of plat flowing arround. This however is a limited endeavor and most likley wont happen. Why? Cuz SOE cant hire a hundred skilled hackers to try to solve this. Do they have the money? NO, You may be surprised, because SOE doesnt get much from EQ. They get what SONY allows them to continue the game. The money goes to SONY first. In order for SOE to get money from SONY they have to ask for it.
2. Legal Action.
Legal action cannot be taken, why? Because these people dont live in the united states. They are in foreign countrys with little regard to rules and such about fraud and contract violation which is what they are doing, mind you.
What MIGHT be work.
1. SONY putting its energy into stopping Ige. Sony is one of the biggest companys on this planet. They have incredible influence in the asian market. They might be able to convince the government of the countrys these companys reside in to stop their activitys. I dont know all the details about this, but know enough that most Asian cultures respect a local power, and certainly, Sony is one.
2. Direct Attack on IGE / Mysupersale.
This would involve those of us who play, who know programming well enough to make hacks or attacks, and to do regular attacks on IGE to shut them down. Without access to the web, they cannot function, they cant work underground via EQ, cuz for sure SOE WILL SPOT THEM, and remove them. SOE is not idle on this issue, im sure, they just lack power to control it.
This idea however has incurrent risks, as IGE employees a vast number of highly skilled crackers and hackers themselves, and i wouldnt doubt they wouldnt retaliate.
What WOULD work, but would SUCK for the rest of us.
1. Shut down the Bazaar.
Nuff said, i like the bazaar, i use it alot.
2. A Boycott.
Again, this would work but, like i said, i like the bazaar, and will keep using it. Not for high end items, certainly, i cant afford them anyways.
What do we do? Well, as players, not much.
We cant do much.. to be honest but be pissed off, and spread the word.