
Deity: None
Level: 35
Money: 0
Server: Cazic-Thule
Ruins of Kunark Enabled
Scars of Velious Enabled
Omens of War Enabled
Weight:13.7 / 60
Primary Melee: Froststone Stein
Secondary Melee: Stein of Moggok
Ranged Weapon: Frosted Gem
Ammo: None
Left Ear: Obsidian Bead Hoop
Right Ear: Golden Black Sapphire Earring
Neck: Silvered Sapphire Necklace
Face: Incandescent Mask
Head: Savant's Cap
Shoulder: Mantle of Mirth
Left Finger: Ring of Frost
Right Finger: Moonstone Ring
Left Wrist: Polished Bone Bracelet
Right Wrist: Polished Bone Bracelet
Arm: Gatorscale Sleeves
Chest: Blackened Crystalline Robe
Back: Cloth Cape
Feet: Fur Lined Shoes
Legs: Feathered Leggings
Waist: Braided Cinch Cord
Hands: Cloth Gloves
Charm: None
Food: None
Drink: None


Owned by: __DEL__1592246553092 Email: __DEL__1592246553092@zam.com
For Sale: Want to Buy:
  • Drakescale Belt 400 pp
  • Silvered Sapphire Necklace 180 pp
  • Silvered Fire Emerald Ring 130 pp
  • Silver Ruby Veil 200 pp
  • Flowing Black Robe 100 pp
  • Laced Veil 1500 pp