What Makes a Scorpiki?  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Ring of Scale
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Nov 2 00:27:48 2017
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Prerequisite Quests: Testing the Waters and For My Information.

Seek out Krama Alaeus in The Overthere in the outpost just inside and to the left as your heading in. At /loc +1425, +1274, +1.

This is a shared task.

Keyword: discover

Krama has asked you to help her learn about the scorpiki.

You receive Ancient Iksar Message.

  • 1. See if the ancient message can be used to convince one of the combine enchanters to disguise you as an ancient iksar. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    Task Window Says: Talk to the Combine spell casters to find one that can cast an illusion on you so you can look like an old iksar merchant. Krama figures that is they dealt with merchants back then, maybe they will now.

    Find an indagatrix materia salus inside a building by the shore and hand her the Ancient Iksar Message. The rest of the group will need to say restore to indagatrix materia salus to get the illusion.

  • 2. Use your illusion to learn something. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    Task Window Says: See if you can speak with the scorpiki with this illusion.

    From the previous step, if you got the iksar illusion cast on you, head down in the valley where all the scorpiki are. I got the update for this step near the entrance of the tunnel leading to Howling Stones. Keep hailing them until they respond.

    If you die with the illusion on you can go back to an indagator materia salus and say restore to get a new illusion cast on you.

  • 3. See if you can find these Manus and learn something about them. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    Task Window Says: Find out about these Manus scorpiki that the exiled scorpiki mentioned.

    Even when you have the illusion, there are some mobs that are KoS to you in the valley so be careful.

    Visit the the valley and hail the scorpiki until the task updates.

    You say, 'Hail, a scorpikis scrounger'

    A scorpikis scrounger says, 'Great one! I am your servant. I currently lead the Manus and am here to [serve]. How can we help you, great one? What little we have is yours.'

    Your task 'What Makes a Scorpiki?' has been updated.

    You say, 'serve'

    A scorpikis scrounger says, 'We have kept the temple as required. We do not forget the god that made us. We teach our children the ways. We only wonder why you have [abandoned] us?'

    You say, 'abandoned'

    A scorpikis scrounger says, 'Lifetimes have passed while we guarded the sacred places and you have not come. We worried that we had done something wrong. Was it the foolish [Tarsus] that angered you? Have we angered you? What can we do to please god?'

    You say, 'Tarsus'

    A scorpikis scrounger says, 'They think themselves superior, but we know they falter in their duties. They have shirked their duty. They have allowed unfit to live, unworthy to remain in the temple. It must be them that [have angered] you.'

    You say, 'have angered'

    A scorpikis scrounger says, 'I knew it to be true. This is a relief to us, great one. It will be pleasure to watch god's wrath punish them.' Bows its head in humility, no longer able to speak.'

  • 4. See if you can learn something about the Tarsus. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    Task Window Says: It seems that there are several clans or tribes of scorpiki. See if you can find the ones called Tarsus.

    Hail the scorpiki inside the south-most temple within the scorpiki valley until the task updates. This won't trigger from the scorpiki out in the valley proper.

  • 5. Defeat the monstrous scorpiki the Tarsus talked about. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    It spawns out of the valley up top and should roam around the entire valley. Kill it.

    Once dead, everyone in the group will be given a Massive Scorpiki Tail.

  • 6. Give the massive scorpiki tail you harvested to the Tarsus. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    Task Window Says: Blank

    In the western temple in the valley, someone in the group give the tail to the scorpikis until one of them accepts it.

    You have been given: Sacred Scorpiki Scroll

  • 7. Read the text you were given. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    Task Window Says: Blank.

    Right-click the scroll. A yellow message appears:

    It is an old scroll, apparently notes written in ancient iksar by someone using a fancy script. You can't read it. You are unsure who could.

  • 8. Show the scroll to Karama. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    Task Window Says: Open the scroll and read it. Maybe Karama can understand the writing. Try giving it to her.

    1 person in the group gives Krama Alaeus the Sacred Scorpiki Scroll.

    Krama Alaeus says, 'Interesting! I'm afraid I'm no great scholar, especially not in things related to ancient iksar. Maybe you can find someone that is an expert. Perhaps some iksar scholar someplace.'

    You have been given: Sacred Scorpiki Scroll

  • 9. Find someone that can read the scroll. 0/1 (ALL)

    Task Window Says: Well, someone must be able to read ancient iksar. Krama suggested finding a scholar that is actually an iksar, which makes sense.

    In Plane of Knowledge, hand in Sacred Scorpiki Scroll to Scholar Klaz over by all the Research vendors near the small bank.

    Scholar Klaz says 'What is this? He opens the scroll with great care. 'I Haven't seen anything this old since someone brought me...wait...this handwriting looks familiar.' Klaz pulls a thin book from his robes. 'This is a [treasure] recently given to me by an adventurer.' He opens it and holds it up next to the scroll.'

    You say, "treasure'

    Scholar Klaz says 'This is an artifact from Iksar history, a diary written by Emperor Atrebe. Apparently he has returned from another realm, bringing with him great powers. This is the diary he kept while he was there. The writing on your scroll matches the early script in this diary. Unfortunately the Emperor's writing grew sloppy as the diary proceeds, but there is no mistake, [what is written] here was penned by Emperor Atrebe Sathir.'

    You say, "what is written'

    Scholar Klaz says 'What, oh, of course.' Klaz returns his attention to the scroll. 'Unfortunately the paper was not well kept and has water and rot damage. From what I can understand this talks about creation of beings from two species. There are partial spells here too that must have been part of the magic. The most interesting bit, at least to me, is about scorpions. This implies that Emperor Atrebe may have created those monstrosities we call scorpiki. It also mentions something about a leader called Aculeus. From context, I suspect this is not an individual, however, but a group of some sort. I must ask you if I [can keep] this for our library.'

    You say, "can keep'

    Scholar Klaz says 'Wonderful. Thank you. If you need anything from the researchers of the great library, please feel free to ask.'

  • 10. Speak with Krama about what you have found out about Atrebe and the scorpiki. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    Task Window Says: Blank.

    Hail Krama Alaeus in The Overthere outpost.

  • 11. See if you can learn something about the Aculeus. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    Task Windows Says: See if you can find the Aculeus mentioned in the scroll. It seems logical that they would hold the largest temple.

    To get the iksar illusion again say restore to an indagatrix materia salus inside the outpost.

    Then head to the Howling Stones area in the valley. Go into the temple that leads to Howling Stones (the west most temple in Scorpiki Valley). Go all the way to the room with the Red Orb that zones into Howling Stones. Hail those Scorpiki with your illusion on until you get a task update.

  • 12. Defeat the sorcerous scorpiki. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    Task Window Says: ???

    a sorcerous scorpiki spawns in the back east room where you hailed, it roams out of the room. Kill it.

    It casts Poisonous Cloud. PB AE that does 95959 damage and 4500 mana drain every 6 seconds for up to 24 seconds. Also has a 35% chance to interrupt spell casting every 6 seconds.

    Other scorpiki will not assist in the fight as long as you have the illusion on.

  • 13. Speak with Krama about the sorcerous scorpiki. 0/1 (The Overthere)

    You say. 'Hail, Krama Alaeus'

    Krama Alaeus says, 'Well, that's interesting. So it seems they have learned a lot since being created and subjugated to Atrebe. If one of them has learned some powerful magic, then I wonder what is next for them? I thank you for what you have taught me, but I don't think we should continue this line of research. More tampering will undoubtedly cause harm to their community.'

    Partisan of The Overthere

    212 Platinum, 5 Gold
  • Submitted by: Gidono
    Send a Correction
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    Text on Step 12
    # Jan 19 2024 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
    19 posts
    Task Window Says: defeat the sorcerous scorpiki.
    Another way to bug the quest
    # Sep 14 2022 at 8:36 PM Rating: Excellent
    782 posts
    When I did step 2, it gave me step 3 to do in my quest log right when I hailed the skorpiki, so I moved on. But, I did not do the follow-up dialog with him ("unjustly exiled" and "Manus"). When I got to step 3, none of the skorpikis in the area would work. I hailed every one of them hundreds of times. Finally, dropped the quest, re-started, and this time finished the rest of the dialog on step 2. Step 3 then worked without a hitch, very quickly.

    So, they probably shouldn't complete step 2 (and step 3 is the same) until you finish the rest of the dialog, but you still need to complete it to have the quest keep working.
    Tatanka Wolfdancer, 115 Wood Elf Druid, 9 x 300+ Master Artisan, 7 maxed trophies (dang research! :)
    Michone, 115 Troll Shadowknight
    Anaceup Mysleeves, 115 Erudite Mage, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
    Snookims Whinslow, 112 Erudite Enchanter, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
    <Inisfree>, Tunare (Seventh Hammer!)
    Step 6. Give the massive scorpiki tail
    # Jun 16 2022 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
    105 posts
    Step 6. Give the massive scorpiki tail, not enough info. We had success in giving the item in a different temple (south east) My group tried giving the item at least 12 times to every mob in the west temple to no avail.

    Instructions in step 11 may not have been all that great either. We were attacked by all mobs in the room. we started with the illusion on. Not sure if there was a reason to loose the illusion. Had an enchanter along for mezz is a good idea.
    See if the ancient message
    # Jul 31 2021 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    First part of this task, you can hand to either "an indagator materia salus" or "an indagatrix materia salus". just start handing it to all those you see
    Step 4: Must HAIL not say Tarsus
    # May 21 2021 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
    4 posts
    Step 4: Said 'Tarsus' to about everything down there and got nothing. First 'Hail' I did in the SW temple right at the entrance got me the update. Step 4 needs correcting.
    Step 4: Must HAIL not say Tarsus
    # Jul 01 2021 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
    3 posts
    After saying Tarsus to pretty much every Skorpkis in the zone I started hailing them instead. One in the southern temple responded with the keyword assistance and following the dialog gave this update.
    Step 4 is incorrect.
    # May 15 2021 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
    8 posts
    The write up for Step 4 is incorrect. Following it's guidance, we spent a good 30 minutes talking to every Scorpiki in the valley. Twice. Step 11 might also be incorrect - in truth there may be randomness involved, so we can't be sure. Here's an update for the quest writeup:
    • Step 4 - "Say Tarsus to scorpiki inside the south-most temple within the scorpiki valley until the task updates. This won't trigger from the scorpiki out in the valley proper." This should replace the text that says, "Say Tarsus to scorpiki down in the valley until the task updates".
    • Step 11 - Go into the temple that leads to Howling Stones (the west most temple in Scorpiki Valley). Go all the way to the room with the Red Orb that zones into Howling Stones. Hail those Scorpiki until you get a task update. The sorcerous scorpiki spawns - for us, it was on top of our tank, it snared her, and we were far away, so she died. The sorcerous scorpiki doesn't see through invis. It does wander back and forth between the temples.

    Hunt well,
    Baldurr and Astarr, Firiona Vie.
    Some Summary Notes
    # May 14 2021 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
    140 posts
    Here are some summary notes for when I ran this

    • I was running all 115s in my group
    • I was running this for my alts, that were only 106-108, so I made my 115 group, got the task. Then I task(dropped), all the 115s but me. Then I task (added) my alts, but left my 115s in the group,
    • Only me as the tank / main task owner had the illusion an all the items. I left my alts in the town and they got all updates and items
    • Invis worked for me completely as everything that was usually see through, I was warmly with on all my main 115s
    • At 115 for his AOE, I used the Druid Arbor spell which heals everyone when a druid/shaman/cleric heals you and I also had my paladin buff so when I get healed it heals people and my own buff for when I stun it heals people
    • The NPC that gives you the illusion roams between the room stated here and to the doc area, so look around if you do not see him right away
    • I dropped a fire by the quest give, so when I ported to POK (do not take everyone just your main person)

    # Feb 20 2021 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
    34 posts
    For a Clearer Answer on the hail portion, you have to do 3 conversations, 1st one is random Scorpiki (OUTSIDE) the NE temple the 2nd conversation is random Scorpiki (INSIDE) the NE Temple and the 3rd one is random Skorpiki in the SW temple. Hope this helps

    -Ogresdo: Rathe: Surely Headed Into Trouble
    # Feb 27 2021 at 9:23 AM Rating: Excellent
    izzyslick wrote:
    For a Clearer Answer on the hail portion, you have to do 3 conversations, 1st one is random Scorpiki (OUTSIDE) the NE temple the 2nd conversation is random Scorpiki (INSIDE) the NE Temple and the 3rd one is random Skorpiki in the SW temple. Hope this helps

    -Ogresdo: Rathe: Surely Headed Into Trouble

    Is this for step 11?
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    # May 14 2021 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
    140 posts
    Gidono wrote:
    izzyslick wrote:
    For a Clearer Answer on the hail portion, you have to do 3 conversations, 1st one is random Scorpiki (OUTSIDE) the NE temple the 2nd conversation is random Scorpiki (INSIDE) the NE Temple and the 3rd one is random Skorpiki in the SW temple. Hope this helps

    -Ogresdo: Rathe: Surely Headed Into Trouble

    Is this for step 11?

    This is For Step 2/3/4,

    However, I was able to get the Hails to work in the "central" E and "central" W. If you turn on the Height Filter, there are two temples that are right across from one another

    The E, got me Step 2 and W got me Step 3 hails to work.

    BTW, I only got this to work with a scorpikis, not with anything other (named wise), maybe it works with others, but didn't for me

    Edited, May 14th 2021 10:10am by michaeleq
    monstrous scorpiki
    # Jun 25 2020 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
    91 posts
    If someone else kills the monstrous scorpiki, you need to completely kick the task and start all over.
    What a crock of **** quest...
    ~~Fenthen Jus'taceio
    60th Cleric, Xegony
    monstrous scorpiki
    # Nov 21 2021 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
    379 posts
    Same it seems if you accidentally do the turn in without the illusion.
    Find an indagatrix materia salus
    # Aug 04 2019 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
    318 posts
    Find an indagatrix materia salus inside a building by the shore

    Not in a building but by the dock guess he moves around

    Edited, Aug 4th 2019 1:33pm by Meesay
    correction to step 3
    # Jun 15 2019 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
    173 posts
    Step 3: Visit the eastern temple in the valley and say Manus to the scorpiki until the task updates.

    Wrong - you need to HAIL them, not say Manus (I said Manus to them all - no response):

    [Sat Jun 15 10:56:55 2019] You say, 'Hail, a scorpikis scrounger'
    [Sat Jun 15 10:56:56 2019] A scorpikis scrounger says, 'Great one! I am your servant. I currently lead the Manus and am here to [serve]. How can we help you, great one? What little we have is yours.'
    [Sat Jun 15 10:56:57 2019] Your task 'What Makes a Scorpiki?' has been updated.
    [Sat Jun 15 10:57:02 2019] You say, 'serve'
    [Sat Jun 15 10:57:02 2019] A scorpikis scrounger says, 'We have kept the temple as required. We do not forget the god that made us. We teach our children the ways. We only wonder why you have [abandoned] us?'
    [Sat Jun 15 10:57:05 2019] You say, 'abandoned'
    [Sat Jun 15 10:57:05 2019] A scorpikis scrounger says, 'Lifetimes have passed while we guarded the sacred places and you have not come. We worried that we had done something wrong. Was it the foolish [Tarsus] that angered you? Have we angered you? What can we do to please god?'
    [Sat Jun 15 10:57:07 2019] You say, 'Tarsus'
    [Sat Jun 15 10:57:07 2019] A scorpikis scrounger says, 'They think themselves superior, but we know they falter in their duties. They have shirked their duty. They have allowed unfit to live, unworthy to remain in the temple. It must be them that [have angered] you.'
    [Sat Jun 15 10:57:16 2019] You say, 'have angered'
    [Sat Jun 15 10:57:16 2019] A scorpikis scrounger says, 'I knew it to be true. This is a relief to us, great one. It will be pleasure to watch god's wrath punish them.' Bows its head in humility, no longer able to speak.'

    Also, for Manus step, you may need to hail scorps in NE tunnel, and for Tarsus, in SW tunnel.

    Edited, Jun 15th 2019 12:06pm by dagnarok
    Key Phrase
    # Feb 28 2019 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
    178 posts
    # Dec 10 2018 at 2:03 AM Rating: Good
    2,605 posts
    You hail them until they respond.

    Hailing steps
    # Feb 18 2018 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
    We struggled with this quest for over an hour before we figured out the trick that worked for us.

    For the Manus hail, go into the NE temple, pick a skorpid, and just spam hail him. Several dozen hails in a row should trigger it.

    Then, do the same thing in the SW hall for Tarsus hail.

    Third hail, same thing, but in temple to HS.

    For the last named, stay invis during hail, and wait for him to walk outside for a clear pull without all the crazy adds in the temple.

    Good luck!
    Last mob needs KILLSHOT!
    # Dec 28 2017 at 2:01 AM Rating: Good
    328 posts
    Did the quest with 2 other groups in a 3*6 setup with each had the shared task.
    Sadly one group did not get the main damage/killshot and the quest sticks at the part to defeat the sorcerous scorpiki.
    So if you have DPShelp, make sure, you get the credits....
    Give the massive scorpiki tail you harvested to the Tarsus
    # Dec 26 2017 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
    44 posts
    Would be nice if they gave a hint on who to give the tail too since if you give it to the wrong mob it is lost!
    Give the massive scorpiki tail you harvested to the Tarsus
    # Jan 03 2018 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
    33 posts
    Same side scorps where you got the 2nd hail credit...
    # Dec 20 2017 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
    59 posts
    This seems to only work for the person who requested the quest however and doesn't work for other people in the shared quest. Let us know if this step actually involves something else for other people in the group.

    Just say restore (other members) to an indagatrix materia salus at this point and the rest of group will be illusioned also
    # Dec 14 2019 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
    10 posts
    Lorewood wrote:
    This seems to only work for the person who requested the quest however and doesn't work for other people in the shared quest. Let us know if this step actually involves something else for other people in the group.

    Just say restore (other members) to an indagatrix materia salus at this point and the rest of group will be illusioned also

    Not true I just got the 1st hail updated with a toon other than the one who requested the task
    Data correction
    # Dec 14 2017 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
    7 posts
    - monstrous was roaming southwest side of the pit, not northeast
    - sorcerous does NOT spawn at the entrance, it spawned in the east side room we were hailing
    - sorcerous then walked outisde to a different temple entrance, nearby HS but not the HS one.
    Data correction
    # Dec 19 2017 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
    baxley wrote:
    - monstrous was roaming southwest side of the pit, not northeast
    - sorcerous does NOT spawn at the entrance, it spawned in the east side room we were hailing
    - sorcerous then walked outisde to a different temple entrance, nearby HS but not the HS one.

    Monstrous actually roams around the edge of the entire valley. I'm followed it before and mapped it out. I'll update, thanks.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    Data correction
    # May 14 2021 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
    140 posts
    Gidono wrote:
    baxley wrote:
    - monstrous was roaming southwest side of the pit, not northeast
    - sorcerous does NOT spawn at the entrance, it spawned in the east side room we were hailing
    - sorcerous then walked outisde to a different temple entrance, nearby HS but not the HS one.

    Monstrous actually roams around the edge of the entire valley. I'm followed it before and mapped it out. I'll update, thanks.

    For me, he spawned in the first room, of the main temple (to HS). I walked up the ramp, first room, corner scorpis. About 10 seconds later, he roamed out of the temple and took a right. I simply waited and grabbed him solo. I got one roamer. was no issue.
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