The Fall of Lord Bayle  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Call of the Forsaken
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed May 21 07:04:06 2014
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023

Call of the Forsaken Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

This group mission begins with Dedire Harath (click for map image) on the zone-in level of the Tower of Rot.

- Completed "The Scions of the Tower"
- Completed "The Tower's Victims"
- Completed "Fenn's Job"
- Completed "Narius' Plan"
- Completed "The Adana Problem"
- Completed "The Source of Rot"
- Completed "A Rotten Heart" (group mission)

Say "strike team" to request the mission and "ready" to zone in.

Task Steps

Speak with the Spectre of Lord Bayle 0/1 (Tower of Rot)

Task Window Says: Speak with Lord Bayle to reveal your intentions.

Battle Lord Kyle Bayle 0/1 (Tower of Rot)

Task Window Says: Lord Bayle is uninterested in giving up his blade without a proper fight. Give him one.

Defeat Arch Mage Harron 0/1 (Tower of Rot)

Defeat Captain Whitson 0/1 (Tower of Rot)

Defeat High Priest Belyea 0/1 (Tower of Rot)

Task Window Says: Lord Kyle Bayle has stepped into the shadows and left you to deal with his strongest allies.

Task LOCKS upon High Priest Belyea's death.

Put Lord Kyle Bayle to rest 0/1 (Tower of Rot)

Task Window Says: Having defeated his strongest allies, Lord Bayle has returned to battle you.

Claim your treasure 0/1 (Tower of Rot)

Event Summary

- NOTE: While in this zone, everyone is under the spell effect "Weight of Rot" (reduces duration of detrimental spells and blocks critical spell damage, endurance regeneration, and mana preservation effects).

- Hail Lord Bayle and say "fight" to trigger the event.
- DPS Lord Kyle Bayle to 75% health to despawn him.
- Arch Mage Harron appears; kill him.
- Captain Whiteson appears; kill him.
- High Priest Belyea appears; kill her.
- Lord Kyle Bayle respawns; kill him.
- Open the chest to complete the task.

Lord Kyle Bayle 100% to 75%:
- Casts emote-based "Claymore Crush" (emote gives 8-second warning to AE to those within melee range - doesn't hit the tank).
- Spawns 2x "a royal _____" at 90%.
- Spawns 1x "a royal _____" at 85%, 80%, and 75%.
- These adds are all mezzable, rootable, snareable, and charmable.
- Arch Mage Harron spawns at 75%, and Lord Kyle Bayle despawns.

Arch Mage Harron:
- Buffed with "Harron's Protection" (reduces incoming spell damage by 60%).
- Spawns an add ("a convoker" or "a beguiler") at 90%, 70%, 50%, 30%, 10%.
--- Also spawns an add every 90 seconds.
- These adds are rootable and snareable, but immune to mez and charm.
- Captain Whitson spawns upon Arch Mage Harron's death.

Captain Whitson:
- Buffed with "Whitson's Protection" (reduces incoming melee damage by 60%).
- Casts "Time to Bleed" every 40-60 seconds.
- Spawns an add ("a blackguard" or "a disciple") at 90%, 70%, 50%, 30%, 10%.
--- Also spawns an add every 90 seconds.
- These adds are stunnable, but immune to charm, mez, root, and snare.
- Adds must be killed before you can kill Captain Whitson.
- High Priest Belyea spawns upon the Captain's death.

High Priest Belyea:
- Buffed with "Belyea's Protection" (reduces incoming spell and melee damage by 40%).
- Casts "Mark of Nife" every 60-80 seconds.
- Spawns an add ("a crusader" or "a champion") at 90%, 70%, 50%, 30%, 10%.
--- Also spawns an add 90 seconds.
- These adds are mezzable, but immune to root, snare, and charm.
- Adds must be killed before you can kill High Priest Belyea.
- Lord Kyle Bayle respawns upon High Priest Belyea's death.

Lord Kyle Bayle, Again:
- Casts emote-based "Claymore Crush" (emote gives 8-second warning to AE to those within melee range other than the tank).
- Spawns 1x "a royal _____" at 70%, 65%, 60%, and 55%.
- Spawns 1x "a fallen _____" at 50%, 40%, 30%, and 20%.
--- Lord Kyle Bayle does NOT spawn any time-based adds.
- "a royal _____" adds are all mezzable, rootable, snareable, and charmable, but can break these spells early.
- "a fallen _____" adds are immune to all forms of crowd control.
- As long as any adds are up, Lord Kyle Bayle's health remains locked at 5%.
- Once all adds are dead, Lord Kyle Bayle can be killed.

Requesting the Task

You say, 'Hail, Deidre Harath'

Deidre Harath says 'Narius, Fenn, and Adana are dead, and you are every bit the legend I've heard. It's tragic, what happened with Narius, but that's what happens when you don't keep a grip on things. In any case, we still have a problem. The Scions are scattered, but Kyle Bayle's undead soldiers are massing up near the top of the tower. This could be bad. Did you have a plan for stopping Bayle? A small [strike team] or a large [raid force]?'

You say, 'I have a small strike team'

Deidre Harath says 'Very well, I shall escort you to the top of the tower. Tell me when you are [ready] to depart.'

You have been assigned the task 'The Fall of Lord Bayle'.

Captain Deidre Harath has agreed to escort your party to the top of the tower where the spectre of Lord Kyle Bayle resides.

Speak with Lord Kyle Bayle to reveal your intentions.

You say, 'Ready!'

You have entered Tower of Rot - The Fall.

Triggering the Event

Say "fight" to trigger the event.

You say, 'Hail, Lord Kyle Bayle'

Lord Kyle Bayle's gaze remains transfixed on the dirty stained glass window as he speaks, 'Given how quickly you were able to cut down Kanteer I knew it was simply a matter of time before your army breached the walls of my sanctum.' He breathes heavily and releases an audible sigh, 'I do owe you a debt of gratitude for expunging this land of the corruption that has taken hold of my subordinates. Now I fear that I must ask what it is you hope to accomplish by raiding my tower.'

You admit that you are [here to take the Qeynos Claymore].

You say, 'I'm here to take the Qeynos Claymore'

Lord Kyle Bayle looks closely at his blade before turning his focus to you. He speaks with a disinterested sense of melancholy you might attribute to his undead form, 'You seek the heirloom of my lineage, the holy rite of my father and his father before him? You are clearly no common bandit, so there is no doubt that someone tasked you with this quest for a greater purpose. I fear that you know as well as I do that I will not simply hand such a treasure over. We must [fight], but I, like you, will not fight alone.'

You say, 'Time to fight!'

Lord Kyle Bayle clasps his mighty blade with both hands and smiles, 'Very well, _____.'

Weight of Rot

While the event is active, everyone in the zone is affected with "Weight of Rot".

This effect is not removable. It reduces duration of detrimental spells (including root, mez, and charm), reduces melee haste, blocks critical spell damage, blocks endurance regeneration, and inhibits mana preservation effects.

You will need to manage mana and endurance very carefully in this event, or you'll run out before it's over with no way to recover.

Lord Kyle Bayle: 100% to 75%

Lord Kyle Bayle hits for a max ~18,500 (no rampage; no flurry); is slightly slowable; and is immune to all forms of crowd control. Every 65 seconds, he does this emote:

Lord Kyle Bayle raises his ancient claymore high overhead.

This is an 8-second warning to the AE "Claymore Crush", a 60-second significant melee DPS debuff (no counters). Back outside of melee range to avoid it. You'll see this emote once it's cast:

Lord Kyle Bayle swings his ancient claymore with frightening force!

Note that this spell affects all targets (including pets) in melee range except for the current tank.

During this phase, Lord Kyle Bayle spawns health-based adds at 90% (two adds), 85% (one add), 80% (one add), and 75% (one add). Adds are called "a royal _____" (where the blank is one of four types). All of these adds hit for a max ~15,500; and are mezzable, rootable, snareable, and charmable. They spawn at what appear to be random locations in the room.

Lord Kyle Bayle shouts 'As I said before, I do not plan to win this fight alone. Guards!'
The air grows colder as the presence of undead begin making themselves known.

a royal evoker

Casts 200' range frontal AE "Fire Beam" every 30 to 45 seconds (nuke for 87,000 dmg).

Casts targeted 40' range AE "Telekaria" every 25 to 30 seconds (nuke for 64,000 dmg + 1.5-second stun).

a royal myrmidon

Casts single-target "Time to Bleed" every 40 to 60 seconds (90-second debuff: increases incoming melee damage by 15% and negates melee mitigation effects).

a royal scout

Casts targeted 40' range AE "Vineswell" every 40 to 60 seconds (60-second debuff: 65% snare; negates run speed effects; recasts self if cured).

a royal vicar

Casts NPC buff "Rodcet's Touch" every 60 to 80 seconds (dispellable: increases max hp by 30%).

Casts targeted 80' range AE "Mark of Nife" every 60 to 80 seconds (5-minute debuff: 1,000-point reverse damage shield; negates damage shield effects; 50 curse counters; if cured, the curer received 60-second silence to free-target spells).

Once Lord Kyle Bayle reaches 75% health, he despawns, and Arch Mage Harron appears.

Lord Kyle Bayle shouts 'You fight well, but I am not surprised that it has come to this. Harron, your presence is required!'
The spectre of Lord Bayle vanishes as one of his closest advisors materializes.

Arch Mage Harron

Arch Mage Harron is buffed with "Harron's Protection" (reduces incoming spell damage by 30%). He hits for a max ~16,500 (no rampage; no flurry); and is immune to all forms of crowd control.

He casts targeted 40' range AE "Telekaria" every 25 to 30 seconds (nuke for 64,000 dmg + 1.5-second stun), and summons a pet every 60-90 seconds (pet doesn't have too many hitpoints, but hits for a max ~10,000).

He spawns health-based adds at 90%, 70%, 50%, 30%, and 10% (one add at each health point). He ALSO spawns an add every 90 seconds. Adds can be either "a convoker" or "a beguiler", which are rootable and snareable, but immune to mez and charm.

"a convoker"

Casts "Riotous Servant" every 60 to 90 seconds (same pet summon spell as Arch Mage).

Casts the self-buff "Circle of Emberskin" every 60 to 80 seconds (10-minute buff: 4,000-point damage shield).

"a beguiler"

Casts 120' range hatelist AE "Tashanira" every 45 to 60 seconds (3-minute debuff: decreases resists; increases incoming spell damage by 100%; 50 poison counters).

Casts targeted 20' range AE "Slumber" every 30 to 60 seconds (60-second mez; hits a max of four targets at a time; 50 curse counters; if cured, the curer received 60-second silence to free-target spells).

Once Arch Mage Harron dies, Captain Whitson spawns.

Arch Mage Harron has been slain by _____!
Your faction standing with Kyle Bayle's Royal Guard has been adjusted by -5.
Your faction standing with Kyle Bayle has been adjusted by -2.

Lord Kyle Bayle's voice echoes through the hall, 'Very well, Whitson, perhaps you can succeed in Harron's stead.'
A ghoulish figure takes shape in the dim light of the hall.

Captain Whitson

Captain Whitson is buffed with "Whitson's Protection" (reduces incoming melee damage by 30%). He hits for a max ~19,500 and flurries (no rampage); and is immune to all forms of crowd control.

He casts the single-target debuff "Time to Bleed" every 40 to 60 seconds (90-second debuff: increases incoming melee damage by 15% and negates melee mitigation effects).

He spawns health-based adds at 90%, 70%, 50%, 30%, and 10% (one add at each health point). He ALSO spawns an add every 90 seconds. Adds can be either "a disciple" or "a blackguard", which hit for a max ~16,000, flurry, and are stunnable, but immune to all other forms of crowd control.

a disciple

Casts 200' range frontal AE "Feigning Death" every 60 to 80 seconds (6-second spell/melee silence; feign death).

a blackguard

Casts single-target "Tactical Deceit" every 30 to 40 seconds (negates target aggro and aggro effects).

Casts 40' range PBAE "Dark Disconcertion" every 30 to 40 seconds (spinstun).

Once the Captain is killed, High Priest Belyea spawns.

Your faction standing with Kyle Bayle's Royal Guard has been adjusted by -5.
Your faction standing with Kyle Bayle has been adjusted by -2.
Captain Whitson has been slain by _____!

Lord Kyle Bayle's voice rings with concern, 'Belyea, it's up to you now.'
A noble figure takes shape in the dim light of the hall.

High Priest Belyea

High Priest Belyea is buffed with "Belyea's Protection" (reduces all incoming damage by 20%). He hits for a max ~12,000 (but fast; no flurry; no rampage); and is immune to all forms of crowd control.

He casts a targeted 80' range AE, "Mark of Nife" every 60 to 80 seconds (5-minute debuff: 1,000-point reverse damage shield; negates damage shield effects; 50 curse counters; if cured, the curer received 60-second silence to free-target spells).

He spawns health-based adds at 90%, 70%, 50%, 30%, and 10% (one add at each health point). He ALSO spawns an add every 90 seconds. Adds can be either "a champion" or "a crusader", which hit for a max ~16,000, single-target rampage, and are mezzable, but immune to root, snare, and charm.

a champion

Casts single-target "Time to Bleed" every 40 to 60 seconds (90-second debuff: increases incoming melee damage by 15% and negates melee mitigation effects).

a crusader

Casts targeted 40' range AE "Thunderous Persecution" every 30 to 45 seconds (nuke for 46,000; 3-second stun; hits a max of eight targets).

Once the High Priest dies, Lord Kyle Bayle respawns and immediately aggro's.

Your faction standing with Kyle Bayle's Royal Guard has been adjusted by -5.
Your faction standing with Kyle Bayle has been adjusted by -2.
High Priest Belyea has been slain by _____!

Lord Kyle Bayle shouts, 'It does surprise me that my strongest advisors fell to your forces faster than that fool Kanteer. It appears that relying on others to fight my battles may have been a mistake.'

The spectre of Lord Bayle rematerializes in the hall.

Lord Kyle Bayle: To the Death

Lord Kyle Bayle continues doing his emote-based "Claymore Crush" ability. He spawns eight health-based adds: One at each of 70%, 65%, 60%, 55% (these four are "a royal _____", the same type as in the first phase), and 50%, 40%, 30%, and 20% (these are "a fallen _____" - one of five possible types).

At 50% health, you see this, signaling the first "fallen" spawn:

Lord Kyle Bayle grasps his ancient claymore tightly in both hands and shouts, 'Spirits of this dead land! Relinquish the souls of my soldiers and give me the strength to finish this battle!'

The tower shakes with sinister purpose as the restless souls of Kyle's fallen soldiers are reanimated.

"a fallen _____" adds are immune to all forms of crowd control and hit for a max ~17,000.

a fallen advisor

Casts the single-target viral spell "Shadow of the Fallen" every 45 seconds. This spell goes viral within 3-6 seconds to anyone within 25' range of the original target.

Casts targeted 40' range AE "Telekaria" every 30 to 60 seconds (nuke for 64,000 dmg + 1.5-second stun).

a fallen defiler

Casts 40' range PBAE "Greater Siphon" every 30 to 45 seconds (lifetap for 83,000 dmg).

a fallen revenant

Casts single-target "Bloodsaber's Touch" every 120 seconds (Harm Touch up to 30% of target's health).

Casts NPC self-buff "Bloodsaber's Visage" every 180 to 200 seconds (increases outgoing melee damage by 25%).

a fallen protector

Casts targeted 80' range AE "Mark of Nife" every 60 to 80 seconds (5-minute debuff: 1,000-point reverse damage shield; negates damage shield effects; 50 curse counters; if cured, the curer received 60-second silence to free-target spells).

Casts targeted 40' range AE "Thunderous Persecution" every 30 to 45 seconds (nuke for 46,000; 3-second stun; hits a max of eight targets).

a fallen warlord

Casts single-target "Time to Bleed" every 40 to 60 seconds (90-second debuff: increases incoming melee damage by 15% and negates melee mitigation effects).

Failure & Reset

If left idle for 60 seconds, the event resets.

30-second Warning: Lord Kyle Bayle shouts, 'Given up already?'

Reset Emote: Lord Kyle Bayle's voice echoes throughout the hall, 'Disappointing, I expected more from you.'

Event Completion

Lord Kyle Bayle locks health at 5%. All adds must be dead before he can be killed.

Lord Kyle Bayle shouts 'It is time...'

Lord Kyle Bayle has been slain by _____!
Your faction standing with Kyle Bayle has been adjusted by -100.
Your faction standing with Kyle Bayle's Royal Guard has been adjusted by -100.

A small iron chest materializes under the light of the dirty stained glass window.

The disembodied voice of Lord Kyle Bayle rings through the hall, 'So it seems that even in death I failed to fulfill the dreams of my fathers. You have bested my spectre and for that you have earned the last treasure of my family. Do as you will with it, adventurers, I trust your endeavors will be noble...'

A great weight is lifted from your shoulders.

You say, 'Hail, Deidre Harath'

Deidre Harath speaks with unusual distance in her tone, 'So you have claimed the treasure you seek from the ancient lord of the tower. No doubt you are ready to [leave] and make use of it now?'

You say, 'I want to leave!'

Deidre Harath says 'Very well, _____.'

You have entered Tower of Rot.


Task Rewards:

225 platinum
Experience (3% in Level 100)

Possible Chest Loot (1 item per task):

Ancient Chain of Office
Bloody Skull Necklace
Heart of Rot
Kyle's Gorget
Necklace of Spirits
Pendant of the Tower
Shield of Bayle
Sword of the Sanative
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After all these years
# Dec 29 2023 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
One of the things I've wanted to do was go back to this mission for the Battle Royal achiev to get my heroic AA.

Well at lvl 125, as a monk, latest raid tradeskill as of 12/29/23 and LS weapon, some LS AA, powersource etc...I did it.

Had to use Dragon Glyph...but ...solo'd! no merc. Drop all damage shields, have the 4% lifetap clicky LS aa for DPS / and weapon and you can do this too!

Purify body for charm / mez, have a "no riposte" bandolier setup for certain parts and go for it.

First time I died without glyph close to the end. Its the Bloodsaber's Touch that killed me, popped me for 220k HP, dead. Came back...rocked it.
Stupid mission designed by idiot devs...go figure
# Jan 25 2023 at 4:31 PM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
EverQuest must legitimately hire the dumbest designers in the industry.

Anyone who actually needs the gear that drops from this mission isn't going to be able to beat it. It's amazing how dumb the devs are that they put on these mission designs. Furthermore, how they release this content without playtesting first is just another example of their ineptitude.

Edited, Jan 25th 2023 5:35pm by rahzel44
# Sep 19 2019 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Really fun mission … loved it!!!!

I read some post below complaining … man if the game was easy you'd hate it. That was a FUN mission fast / done.
Dream Team
# Dec 14 2015 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
63 posts
We did it today with :
1xSK on minis, tanking in the corner
2xRng, 1xBst, 1xWiz : All on Adds, pulling on the other side of the room
1x Cleric.
It worked on 1st trial. No big issue with beguilers with such a team - they just hadn't time to cast.
Hardest part in this mission was to find the complete group.

Tried few time with box & mercs before, but all went oom after 2 or 3 minis. Just posted that to say 2xTank + 2xHealer are not mandatory when all do their best.

Selar - Tunare
Anthem Guild

# Sep 02 2014 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Got first win on this over the weekend. LONG fight. All about controlling DPS so you spawn adds at the right time.

I used GINA to create a 90 s count down repeating trigger off the following messages:

#1 Arch Mage - Start Text : Harron, your presence is required!
#2 Captain Whitson - Start Text : Very well, Whitson
#3 High Priest Belyea - Start Text : Belyea, it's up to you now.

This gives a nice graphic showing how long you have before next add. Then based on your DPS you can tell if you're likely to have enough time to finish off the add before the next timed mob spawns.

As others have pointed out this is a LONG event and you will need to conserve mana.

Kill order was "a beguiler" > blue pets > white adds > named.

Edited, Oct 5th 2014 9:17pm by Ishtass
My Strat
# Aug 25 2014 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
77 posts
As you probably already know, you will want to have a certain group set up for this. Two tanks, two healers, and two dps is the safest route. When i did the Battle Royal achievement, we only had one healer and we were able to win though.

So the mission starts out with Bayle. Bayle only has health based adds, so you just need to not over dps him. Follow his emote and kill his adds as they spawn.

Arch Mage, Captain, and High Priest are pretty much the same. Start out by going to 90% quickly. This will spawn a health based add. Kill that add and then proceed to dps the named to 75% and hold there. Keep the named at 75% until an add spawns. This add is a time based add. Once that add is dead, dps named to 70% for a health based add. Kill that add and then dps the named to 55% and hold there until the time based add spawns. Then to 50% for a health based add. After that add go to 35% and wait for the time based add. Then 30% (health based add), hold at 15% (time based add), and 10% (health based add).

It is pretty much a win once you get to Bayle at the end. The fight with Bayle at the end is the same as it was at the start of the mission (except for the fallen mobs).

I have done this mission almost 10 times now. Most of the groups were all raid geared which made it easy to win. I have done this once on my alt shaman with a group geared group. It wasn't very hard to do even in group gear when using the strat posted above.
My Strat
# Aug 26 2014 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
You can have the best gear in the game and you'll still lose 3:0

Don't burn any named down fast.

Slow n steady wins the race

Healing wasn't bad when we took it steady omg.
two dps, two tanks and two healers is key
# Jul 15 2014 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
98 posts
If you have serious dps who know how to use their mana and regain it then with two tanks and two healers (one cleric) this is fine especially when one or more of the healers has staunch recovery which more than counters the raid gear if used correctly and at the right time along with Quiet miracle and veturika for clerics etc. We didnt use mez at all and wizards managed to off root mobs when needed.

One key point to note - tank main mobs in NE of room and pull all pops to SW to second tank. The beguiler mobs need to be pulled asap so that main tank doesnt get mezzed. if second tank gets mezzed then make sure a wizard or better tank ;) with arcane destruction crit rune and dimensional instability is ready to nuke it to ash. once the beguiler is dead the mez breaks. Other than that, if you dont have the mana regen capability then you have to time the pops very carefully.

We kindof ploughed through and took the mobs as they came to us. Got three mana refresh on bucolic but I didnt have staunch up so its definetly doable without the mana refresh. parse shows the two dps doing about 100 million to mobs and the rest of the group maybe another 15 million so thats the kind of dps we used to get through. We did it in 1662 seconds which means our dps avg out 55K DPS across the two dps classes (two wizards) so roughly 25k dps, which should be easily done by good group geared wizards. I took 500k dmg as a wizard and bayle fell with 40 pct mana using a lot of tricks in the book. Zerkers and rogues for this task should own it if they replace the wizards as dps.

All in all a brilliant task and very challenging but agree this could be extremely frustrating for non raid geared group players because it relies on everyone in the group to play their classes exceptionally well. I think this should have been separated into a normal and hard task with group claymore and raid claymore rewards etc 250 hp mana end and 10 spell damage 10 healing etc.
# Jul 14 2014 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
Tried this a few times and it is unbeatable in its current form. This is so poorly tuned it makes me seriosuly consider whether or not to continue subscribing to this game if this is how they treat the group based player.
Rough aint the word
# Jul 13 2014 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Well yes this is crazy for the basic casual players it can not be beat,try petitioning or anything they say it has been beat YES BY RAIDERS guess they forget there arent all raiders in this game what about us little people, and its kinda sad we pay 40$ for an xpac we cant complete cause of things like this
Raid event with Group Gear loot.
# Jun 21 2014 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
12 posts
I can not understand why SOE made The Fall of Lord Bayle raid group mission. First of all, your group need to be raid geared to be successful in this mission. Why raid geared played need the reward in this event which is regular group gear intended for regular player who have been restrained to attain this quest due to the difficulty of this mission? Secondly, why SOE link this mission with an achievement that will grant you alternate abilities that should be accesses not only to raid players , but to casual players as well. Finally , SOE needs to understand that Everquest is played by two kind of player: raid and casual players. Why SoE do not keep Raid content for raid geared player and keep regular content for both type of players? When soe does this kind of mission where players need to be raid geared, SOE isolated casual player that do not raid for different reason to enjoy this kind of mission making the balance of the game inclined to the raid players and making the casual player to quit.Thank You.
crappy loot
# Jun 14 2014 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
crappy loot considering youd have to have a full group with raid gear obviously way better than this. at least dop some uber ac or dmg aug or something that would make people want to repeat this event worth going for instead of just a flag,
# Jun 12 2014 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
# Jun 12 2014 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
This group mission sounds very rough almost like a raid. One if there's a raid version exactly like this one.

Not trivial even for end-game cleric.
# May 30 2014 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Approach this event as if it is a tough raid event. Use every buff, clickie, AA, and spell you can. Get both types of mod rods and all the rank 3 buffs you can find. Once engaged use extreme mana preservation spells like delayed heals and Yaulp. Use AA abilities early and often in place of spells. It's a long fight so these abilities will refresh several times. Avoid the "a beguiler" mobs at all cost by staying a large distance away from Archmage mini. Avoid curing those who get the mez effect or you find yourself silenced for long periods. During this phase a pet tank is very helpful. Even with all the mana use management you will find yourself short, so it's good to have other healers in the group who can help out. There were some phases during which you can Divine Peace and go into OOC if you have someone else capable of healing. It's a challenging event and feels really good to win!
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