The Defense of Lendiniara  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Call of the Forsaken
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Jan 22 04:34:10 2014
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023

Call of the Forsaken Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

This group mission begins with Guard Hambert (click for map image) in the Ethernere Tainted West Karana (found in the same guard camp as Commander Galenth, due north of the dragon's pit).

Pre-Requisites for Requesting:
- Level 95
- Completed "Overcoming the Cataclysm"
- Completed "Not of this World"
- Completed "Answering the Call"
- Completed "The Doomscale Horde" (group mission)

You say, 'Hail, Guard Hambert'

Guard Hambert says 'Shhh... The commander will hear you! I know you fought along side Galenth against the Doomscale, but I worry he has become obsessed with this veiled dragon near the corruption. If Galenth knew what I had [done], I'd be dead by now.'

You say, 'What have you done?'

Guard Hambert says 'I couldn't help it. I had to get a look at this dragon for myself, and once I did, I felt compelled to speak to it. Please, you musn't tell the commander, I have a family to feed back in Qeynos, and he'd have my head if he knew I [spoke] to the Veiled Lady.'

You say, 'You spoke to it?'

Guard Hambert says 'I know I shouldn't have, but I didn't want to just follow orders and kill such a magnificent creature! What she told me goes against everything Galenth has said. He seems unwilling to listen to any discussion or planning that doesn't involve her death. I am just one man, but you, you have an army behind you! Perhaps Galenth would [listen] to you. I fear the end of Norrath as we know it if he cannot be convinced.'

You say, 'Listen to me?'

Guard Hambert says 'Would you be willing to [try] to talk sense into him? It could be the only way to stem the tide of [blood] being shed here. I have seen enough death and destruction for a lifetime in these short months.'

You say, 'We'll try'

Guard Hambert says 'Perhaps there is yet hope for us all! The commander is leaving soon to lead the attack upon the dragon. If you were to [hurry], I think you could get there first, and hopefully talk some sense into him.'

You have been assigned the task 'The Defense of Lendiniara'.

With the Doomscale Cult no longer barring the way, Commander Galenth now seeks to destroy Lady Lendiniara. New information suggests she is not the evil he thinks her to be, and in fact her death could bring about more corruption and destruction on Norrath.

You say, 'Let's hurry...'

You have entered Ethernere Tainted West Karana

NOTE: This task is locked from the start.

Task Steps

Speak to Commander Galenth 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: Speak to Commander Galenth and try to talk to him out of assaulting Lady Lendiniara.

Kill Guard Vraymon 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Kill Guard Teclisin 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Kill Lieutenant Rolth 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: Defeat the Qeynos guards sent in to attack Lady Lendiniara.

Kill Commander Galenth 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Open the Armory Cache left by the Qeynos Guards 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

In Detail

Here, you have to kill several waves of Qeynos guards, each including a named guard, ending with the death of Commander Galenth. Lady Lendiniara (their kill target) cannot die, or the task fails.

All hostile mobs in this task prioritize Lady Lendiniara as their target, so if left idle (or memblurred), they will attack her.

Say "die" to Commander Galenth, then either "test" (to trigger the named guards one-by-one) or "quick death" (to trigger them all at once):

You say, 'Hail, Commander Galenth'

Commander Galenth says 'Stand aside, welp! I have a job to do and nobody, not even you will stand in my way. I suppose I should thank you for helping dispatch the Doomscale cult, but if you stand against me, you'll [die] like all the rest. My blade has tasted Dragon blood before. Your only hope for survival would be to tuck your tail, and [leave] now.'

You say, 'Die? Us?'

Commander Galenth says 'The only question is how. I would like to [test] the capabilities of my subordinates one at a time, but I would grant you a [quick death] if you prefer. The choice is yours, but the end will be the same, regardless.'

You say, 'Let's test them...'

Commander Galenth shouts 'Very well then! Guard Vraymon, end these traitor's lives, and be quick about it!'

Guard Vraymon shouts 'Your faith in me will be rewarded with dragon blood, Commander!'

Guard Vraymon is solo and hits for a max ~18,000. He casts two spells:

Cursed Ether: PB AE 200', (0)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 25%
2: Limit: Minimum Mana Cost (10)
3: Decrease Attack Speed by 25%
4: Decrease Movement by 25%
5: Decrease Hitpoints by 9800 per tick
6: Increase Curse Counter by 24

Etherblade: PB AE 50', Magic (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 41550

Guard Vraymon has been slain by _____!

Commander Galenth shouts 'A shame really. Vraymon was a dedicated soldier, and an exemplary guardian. Sad that his combat prowess did not match his loyalty. Teclisin, FRONT AND CENTER! May Qeynos' light guide your blade!'

Guard Teclisin shouts 'To arms! We dine on dragon flesh, tonight!'

Guard Teclisin is also solo and hits for a max ~18,000. He traps random targets in a burning prison (30 seconds; can be DPS'd to free the target sooner):

Burning Prison: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 10000%
2: Limit: Minimum Mana Cost (1)
3: Decrease Attack Speed by 99%
4: Decrease Movement by 10000%
5: Negate CHA Effect

Guard Teclisin has been slain by _____!

Commander Galenth shouts 'The light of Teclisin has gone dark. Perhaps I should take care of this myself?'

Lieutenant Rolth shouts 'Stand fast, sir! My squad and I can handle this!'

Lieutenant Rolth comes with 4x "a Qeynos guard". The guards don't cast spells, but the Lieutenant casts "Etherburn":

Etherburn: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 11220 to 14685 (random)

Lieutenant Rolth has been slain by _____!

Commander Galenth shouts 'It seems it falls to me. As great men have said, if you want something done right, do it yourself. Prepare yourselves, for death is upon you!'

Commander Galenth is last, and also comes with 4x "a Qeynos guard". The Commander hits for a max ~27,000; occasionally memblurs himself; and casts "Cursed Ether" (as above) and "Whirling Blade":

Cursed Ether: PB AE 200', (0)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 40%
2: Limit: Minimum Mana Cost (10)
3: Decrease Attack Speed by 40%
4: Decrease Movement by 50%
5: Decrease Hitpoints by 9800 per tick
6: Increase Curse Counter by 65

Whirling Blade: Single Target, (-950)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 44275

Kill Commander Galenth (and any remaining adds) to complete the event.

Commander Galenth has been slain by _____!

Lady Lendiniara shouts 'Poor soul. He did not fully comprehend the forces at work here, and was too blinded by his conviction to listen to reason. Hopefully not all will be as single-minded. You have fought bravely. Take what you wish from the fallen, but know, this is far from over!'

Open the chest to get any achievements tied to this task.

337 platinum, 5 gold

Possible Chest Loot (1 item + 0-1 armor piece + 0-1 spell per task):

Clump of Concentrated Ethernere
Eleven Emerald Oxon Necklace
Harmonic Beaded Choker
Lava-Hardened Sledge
Pendant of the Sole Survivor
Snazlieu's Snazzy Amber Pendant
Tear-Stained Linked Necklace
Tirun Claw Choker

Armguards of Latent Ether
Boots of Latent Ether
Bracer of Latent Ether
Tunic of Latent Ether

Spell: Aegis of the Keeper Rk. II
Spell: Aura of Divinity Rk. II
Spell: Insidious Deflection Rk. II
Spell: Iron Bolt Rk. II
Spell: Maloseniac Eminence Rk. II
Spell: Torrent of Agony Rk. II
Spell: Valiant Deflection Rk. II
Tome: Phantom Assassin Rk. II
Tome: Reflex Rk. II
Tome: Storm of Blades Rk. II
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You MUST open the chest to get the achievements
# Jan 14 2021 at 12:09 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
You MUST open the chest to get the achievements
these abilities might not be correct
# Aug 25 2018 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Im not seeing any burning prisons, but some one of them (doing death is your forte) is casting feign death.
these abilities might not be correct
# Sep 01 2018 at 6:10 PM Rating: Excellent
svann wrote:
Im not seeing any burning prisons, but some one of them (doing death is your forte) is casting feign death.

I remember this fight very well. Yes, people randomly get encased in these and you have to melee them to order to do anything since it pretty much made you useless.

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# Aug 28 2015 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
3,032 posts
It's all about crowd control. I intercepted the nameds in the middle of the platform (short distance ahead of the dragon) and let the guards continue to the dragon. Then aoe-mez the guards, just to help out Lady L. Even if the mez doesn't land on all of them she's perfectly capable of tanking and killing 1 or 2 guards at a time. (Probably more than that, but I didn't want to push my luck!)

Kill the nameds one by one, then finish off the guards.

The Commander's max hit was 16804 on a 105 warrior with 12k AC and 9000AA's. Not very tough. As far I can tell he never memblurred himself and stayed on our tank the whole time.

Edited, Aug 28th 2015 1:28pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
range burn.
# Nov 23 2014 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
231 posts
If you let Commander get to dragon he will stay on dragon as long as you stay at range. If you keep it just commander on dragon and don't allow any guards to reach the dragon you will have roughly 95 seconds to kill commander before he kills dragon. Need about 90k dps to kill him first before he kills the dragon.
Crowd Control is Key
# Jul 04 2014 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
I was doing this with solid level 100 very solid semi-raid geared tank, and a group geared necro, and cleric. Plus mercs of course. Easy to get through the first three, but we were failing on the Commander, getting far too many qeynos guards. Got a chanter to join us and the mission suddenly became very easy.
3 boxed
# Jul 01 2014 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
Finally beat this one today after 4 or 5 broken up tries. Group consisted of 100 semi-raid geared warrior 100 box shm 100 box bard both in mark of valor gear.

Tried a few different methods, what worked for me was sitting right under Lend and pulling to her. First LTs are cake, 3rd got a little hectic but locked them down with bard ae mez. When Commander popped I had 2 guards still up by the time he engaged and Commander brought 4 more. Popped Fortitude and got an ae mez off again on guards. From that point just tank and spank on Commander while chaining AE mez until he was dead, then cleaned up guards.

Very intense fight, got close a couple times because Commander hits like a monster but got through with a few more discs on warrior and some spot heals from shaman to catch up on HP. Did it with 2 wiz mercs on balanced and 1 cleric merc on reactive. I don't like burn lately on mercs because it has been so buggy for me, especially on fights where there are phase changes. Will try again tomorrow this time with burn and see how it goes.

Hard but fun, will keep doing it til I get the AC aug.

Good Luck!

Edited, Jul 2nd 2014 1:26am by wfitz1491
Quick Death ?
# May 04 2014 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts

I've not had any problems with the mission --- but any insight on winning 'quick death'? Basically all 4 at once.
Quick Death ?
# May 08 2014 at 3:42 AM Rating: Good
77 posts
I've done the quick death achievement 3 times or so now. You will be killing 3 named (Lieutenant, Vraymon, and Teclisin) and 4 trash mobs (a Qeynos guard) at once for this. Best case scenario you will want to have a real tank, cleric, and a mezzer. You will want to set your group up under the dragon. This will make it so the mobs are bunched up and easier to mez / ae agro. Your mezzer will mez the 4 non named. Your tank will be tanking the 3 named at once, which really isn't as bad as it sounds. Start off by killing Lieutenant, so no more adds spawn. If you are slow on dps on Lieutenant, more adds will spawn, but they will not agro you or the dragon unless you agro them. After Lieutenant is dead, kill the other 2 named (doesn't matter what order). You can then proceed to break mez on the trash adds and kill them (this is a good time to go for the achievement involving these mobs). At this point you have time to rest or you can go straight into the fight with Commander. Commander will be standing at the bottom of the ramp until you agro him (he will not chase after the dragon like normal).
Quick Death ?
# May 16 2014 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts

Thanks again --- great info and achievement completed.

BTW ... Good to burn the AE mini 2nd.
Quick Death ?
# May 10 2014 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts

Thanks much Kong -- excellent info. I was thinking Commander came at the same time -- having him come separate and not auto agro is big factor. Will be giving this a try real soon.

My Strat
# Mar 08 2014 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
77 posts
So to start out on this mission i set up group on what would be the ramp to Dead Hills. The first two named are easy and you don't need to worry about them too much. For the 3rd named, i single pull him away from the adds and let the 4 adds go dps the dragon. If you do enough dps to Lieutenant then no other adds will spawn so i recommend to burn all out on him. Commander spawns after Lieutenant's death and i pull him to the group. At this point you will need to kill commander before the adds kill the dragon, which can be done with a decent amount of dps. After commander dies clean up the 4 adds that are on dragon and you win.
My Strat
# Mar 09 2014 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the tips. Question: How do you single pull the Lieutenant? Once they hit the platform, he and his two adds make a beeline for the dragon, and we can't seem to get him pulled.
My Strat
# Mar 09 2014 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
77 posts
As a monk i use my echo disc to mez + fade the 2 adds that are next to Lieutenant. Pull him when he is on the ramp so you don't get the dragon agro issues.
dragon nerfed
# Mar 01 2014 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
SoE should be worries about making mission easier and not to keep nerfing quest to make the quest impossible. this particular task was ok until soe nerfed the dragon. Now the dragon is not assisting. So if before this task was hard, now is impossible.

Edited, Mar 1st 2014 6:23pm by Davnegsep
dragon nerfed
# Mar 01 2014 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
SoE should be worries about making mission easier and not to keep nerfing quest to make the quest impossible. this particular task was ok until soe nerfed the dragon. Now the dragon is not assisting. So if before this task was hard, now is impossible.

Edited, Mar 1st 2014 6:26pm by Davnegsep
dragon nerfed
# Mar 01 2014 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
SoE should be worries about making mission easier and not to keep nerfing quest to make the quest impossible. this particular task was ok until soe nerfed the dragon. Now the dragon is not assisting. So if before this task was hard, now is impossible.

Edited, Mar 1st 2014 6:27pm by Davnegsep
# Feb 28 2014 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
tried petitioning this but was just told it has been beaten by others so learn the stats
adds are fubar
# Feb 17 2014 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
There is definately something wrong with the add spawn at the moment. We burned the lieutenant (mage, wizzy merc, wizzy merc and still had 8 adds when he died then 4 more came with the Commander. Coupled with his memblur well....the horror...the horror...

Devs need to tone this one down a notch or the average grouper isnt going to ever see this one through. Definately need a chanter for this one!
just ran a my crew thru it
# Feb 17 2014 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
I just ran thru it with the same crew makeup to see what would happen and had two waves of adds spawn once on the Lieutenant. First wave of adds was the four, two down each ramp but then we had another add of 2....they took out the 2 merc nukers straight away then the merc healer... I don't think without a bard or enchanter from what Ive just seen this can be done. Ill try it a few more times but just dont think its boxable with the makeup you have....
I need a tried and true strat from someone who has boxed it
# Feb 17 2014 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
Been trying to box this with a 100 ranger/8000+ AA raid geared, 100 mage/4000+ AA and a 100 cleric/4000AA. Mage pet tanking, ranger root parking, merc healer, two merc casters and cleric group healing.

For some reason on the Lieutenant we get 4 guards, then another 4 guards just before he dies. Of course then the commander comes and there are more adds. Have tried everything, and made about 20 attempts. I don't see how without a mezzer this can be done. We've got some pretty sick dps but its just not enough.

Any one have a real good strat?
# Jan 28 2014 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
spent some time trying to figure the Commander out. Putting group above the ramps or on the ramps results in a protracted fight, with adds going after the Dragon.

My tactic ended up being fighting the Commander at the dragon. The Dragon's DPS makes the commander go down a lot faster, as long as you got someone who can consistently pull the aggro back off the dragon. Used a chanter to keep the adds locked down, a shaman helping the cleric merc keep the warrior up, and necro + caster merc for DPS. Dragon ended up with 60% HP be the time we beat the Commander down.. punted the guards off the ledge and claimed the chest.

Task locks as soon as you enter BTW.
Neck Loot
# Jan 24 2014 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
43 posts

We got this in our chest loot at the end:
Tear-Stained Linked Necklace.

Here's a screenie of it.

Edited, Jan 24th 2014 8:53pm by YasashiiSeppun
Neck Loot
# Jan 25 2014 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
43 posts

We got Pendant of the Sole Survivor on our most recent run.
Neck Loot
# Jan 25 2014 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
100 posts
...and my bad, meant to link up our loot also:
# Jan 24 2014 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
100 posts
A friend,Yanelin, and I were boxing this mission at the same time. We weren't officially racing to be the first but we were. I lost, but hey, my 92 year old Dad called and wanted to go eat, what's a guy to do? Yanelin had beat it by the time I got back, kudos and salutes Yan, great job!

Anyway I'd actually tried this technique earlier and goofed one part and failed and gave up and tried buffing Lendiniara out the whazoo. We actually never tried method for a serious try but did test her with and w/o buffs just to see if they actually help. They do. With buffs she beat the first two with no help from us and still had 23% left. So she's pretty sturdy.

(1) Set up on the main platform between the two down ramps from the elevated plateau. Be ready to catch mobs from either ramp as they come from both.

(2) Hail Galenth, he offers 2 options, option 1 is one mob at a time, option 2 is they all bum rush. The uberest of uber group can probably take the bum rush. We wouldn't be close.

(3) Guard Vraymon walks down soon after the hail. Facing South toward the ramps he'll be on the ramp to your right where Galenth was. If you engage him on the ramp he will not agro the dragon. Easy kill.

(4) Guard Teclisin walks down the left ramp. Engage before he reaches the plateau to prevent agro'ing the dragon.

(5) This is pretty much the game. The Leut. and 2 guards come down the left, 2 guards come down the right ramp. Main thing is to catch the Lieutenant and burn him before he exits the ramps. Pop your DPS stuff here get rid of that Lieutenant pronto. If you take too long more guards spawn. Don't worry if a couple get to the dragon.

BEWARE: The commander does not wait for you to finish cleaning up the guards. You have about 30 seconds after the Lieutenant dies to work on the guards and then the commander is coming off the right ramp.

(6) Catch that commander on the ramp! That's what I'd failed to do both my first time to try this method and my 2nd time after Yanelin said it worked. 3rd try I caught him and it obviously a victory. Sic'd a pet on him and actually don't remember if we finished him or the unfinished guards first, but it probably works either way, once you stop the commander before he gets to the dragon, it's game over if you stay alive, he hits pretty hard.
Additional Info
# Jan 24 2014 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
Commander comes with 4 guard adds also, which spawn when the Lieutenant dies. So if not careful you can quickly have 8 adds to deal with.

Also, the Commander will frequently wipe his aggro and run straight to the dragon, if not already there. Even fighting him under the Lady he still wipes aggro, and 1 bad timed nuke or heal could earn you the attention of a 27k hitting red-con. Have fun =)
Additional Info
# Jan 25 2014 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
The commander comes solo, if you don't kill the lieutenant quick enough he will call more guards and that's probably where the extra adds came from.
Additional Info
# Jan 28 2014 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
had continuous guards spawn during a protracted Commander fight, 2 extra waves before the healers could not keep up with the commanders DPS. (at top above ramps)
tried holding him on ramp, got continuous guard spawn.
And tried at dragon, still had more guard adds.

Possible this was changed after the emergency patch --shrugs--
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