Shackle of Steel  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Aug 29 19:42:03 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
After finishing the shackle of bronze quest, Master Rinmark asks you to help him rescue a student of his.

You say, 'Where is your student?'

an Iksar master hands you what appears to be the base of a key. 'This was delivered to me by a dying student. He collapsed just after handing it to me. He was accompanying a student of mine named Veltar. They were questing for the legendary Whistling Fists. The key is made of a metal I have never felt or heard of. Find him.'

You receive Part of a Large Key (identifies as "Base of Coppernickel Key"), a 2-slot container.

Then you need to find Veltar. Veltar ("an iksar slave") can be found in Frontier Mountains (cave "B" on EQAtlas map.

You say, 'Hail, an Iksar slave'

an Iksar slave seems to have lost all hope. He sadly looks to the ground. His shackles are different than the others you see in this cell. One is definitely steel and not of goblin design. The other is made of an unfamiliar metal.

You say, 'Are you Veltar?'

an Iksar slave 's soiled face shines with a glint of hope. 'You know my name? Who has [sent] you to find me?'

You say, 'Master Rinmark sent me'

an Iksar slave says 'Then word has gotten to him!! If you be a monk of the third rung I will accept your aid. You must find the [coppernickel key]. It is required to release me from this goblin shackle. I have no reward to offer other than the shackle of steel. Give me both your shackles of the third rung along with the key and I shall reward you the first shackle of the fourth rung.'

You say, 'Where is the coppernickel key?'

an Iksar slave says 'The key is split into three parts. Part one is the base and must be combined with the two remainder pieces. One piece is in here and the other was lost. I overheard the goblins chattering and recognized the goblin phrase, 'lair of flying mouths'!! As for the base, I do not know.'

You now need to collect and combine the three pieces of the coppernickel key.

1. You already have the base, which you received from Master Rinmark.

2. The second piece is "A Copper Key". It identifies as "A Copper Nickel Key |..". It's dropped by the goblin interrogator in the same cave as the iksar slave. On TLP servers, he spawns in Droga in the jail area.

3. The "lair of flying mouths" is a reference to Dalnir. "A Nickel Key" is dropped there by a coerced penkeeper on the third level. It identifies as "A CopperNickel Key ..|".

Combine the nickel and copper keys inside the base. This results in "A Coppernickel Key". Give Veltar the coppernickel key, and your bronze and copper shackles.

an Iksar slave says 'I made a pact to reward the shackle of steel to one who could deliver the coppernickel key and the shackles of copper and bronze.'
an Iksar slave says 'I made a pact to reward the shackle of steel to one who could deliver the coppernickel key and the shackles of copper and bronze.'
an Iksar slave hands you a shackle and removes the coppernickel shackle so he may flee. He places your shackles on his wrists and darts into the darkness.
You gain experience!!
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zorkoroz ginaz 44 iksar monk
# Apr 26 2002 at 10:36 PM Rating: Default
went to Dahlnir today.,,,,Not too totally bad decent lowbie drops and some quick plat. Had a few hysterical monents with Kly The Overseer where i beat the crap out of my shammy buddy,,,,,can u say magic possessed on almost offed him twice hehe......Next stop Droga...."trepidation"...Tell ya what happened when I get a chance to write down results.....Penkeeper was a cinch worried bout this portion tho
# Mar 20 2002 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
I want to kill the Interrogator in droga. Could anyone specify his lvl range of if a lvl 35 in a group coud take him. I Got the Nickle key from a friend. So i'm half way there.

Lvl 35 Iksar Monk
Nakumi Punchingterror <Benevolent Light>
Well worth it
# Jan 28 2002 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
I finally completed this quest and recieved the last attainable shackle. i would just like to say that yes there are other bracers out there that are comparable and some that are even better. However, i feel that all the hours i have put into getting this have been well worth the reward. How many monks can say they have had the dedication to carry through with their shackle quests? also it has a nice look to it, although i will have to find a different chest piece so it can be seen. as for the final part shrink potions and invis potions are the way to go also helps to have a group, that way you can be sure to kill the interrogater before he runs into the room and agros everything on you. also .... don't kill the enraged iksar slave, bad joojoo there, unless you can help it. took negative legion of cabilis and cabilis residents cause i thought he was the placeholder for the slave.
Bashemup Twofists 43 monk of the tribunal (least till they change my name cause it forms a phrase ....)
RE: Well worth it
# Feb 22 2002 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
They must have fixed the faction when the Whistling Fists quest was re-done, because as of 2 nights ago the crazed iksar slave was giving the same faction hits as the iksar bandits in the FoB and other places -- i.e. positive Cabilis faction.
starting quest
# Dec 01 2001 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
whoever thinks they can't do quest because they left then came back you are mistaken. I tried this using every way i could think of using the keyword student but nothing would work, and I tried immediately after he said it. Not sure if I used the "where is student?" so i'll give it a try. Good luck
RE: starting quest
# Apr 20 2002 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
I had to answer a phone call after I handed him the stuff for my shackle of bronze, and when I got back, he was despawned. I waited for him to repop, and I too tried a great deal of combinations that failed to get him to respond. I saw your post, and "Where is student" DOES WORK. I got my key container. Now to just go get the stuff for my shackle of steel. I don't care what all you say about it, for those of us who aren't in guilds that raid constantly and are getting good drops from that, the steel shackle is a very nice item. All the time will be well spent for the steel shackle, and eventually I'll upgrade to tyronnium, and that is an extremely nice bracer.

Iksar monk of the 30th season, Karana server
RE: starting quest
# Aug 30 2002 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
hehe.. I'm in a guild that raids a lot, and besides getting the Shackle of Tynnonium for a status symbol... it's a free 12ac bracer with great stats. That's 1 thing I won't have to worry about upgrading for a long while.
Dalnir Penmaster
# Nov 27 2001 at 9:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Guide for Camping the Penmaster in Dalnir:

I did this at level 33, with max fd for level. From entrance, run up to the T interserction and FD. Run from the T, around the corner and to the temple and FD before the drop. Make sure you are good, Get up, jump and FD as you are falling, provided nothing started to cast on you, if you dont see the has begun to cast a spell message you are good. When you are on the second floor, look around for non aggro's and casters, if there are none just run down the steps and fall through the checkered floor to third level. If there are Casters then do the same, and just make sure nothing casts on you and you can FD safely on the third level.
You should now be lieing on the third level, with the way you need to go behind you. Use your camera angles to make sure it is good to go, turn around and run to secret door area and FD again. Make sure it is clear, Mend if you have to so you are good on health, and get through the door. If you have to FD do so, but when you are done this is a good pause area if you need a break or something. When you are ready, run up the rocks all the way till before little room, and FD there. Now, your first fight starts. Only one wanderer goes in and out of the room, and only one spawn spawns in the corner. If both of these are aggro, make sure you /disc resist, and run into the room and fight. Kill the both of them in the room. and set up camp. When you get the wanderer to be a non aggro spawn, you can start simply camping the corner. It is a long spawn time, so if you get bored, goo spawn just outside teh room, and dont run so you can kill those for xp or boredom, but for safety dont go much further. If you start pulling sarnaks, pull them into the room, so they get stuck trying to run out on the door and kill them.

Now for the escape, this is where your courage and thinking come into play. If you go down with an invis potion, you can just run out. If you did this on a whim ( a la me ) you need to FD your whole way out. This takes luck, and an understanding of the game. Fd'ing to the dining room is easy. Once you are as far into the dining room as you can safely FD, make sure you have full hp, mend, and /disc resist all ready, and just make a mad man screaming dash all the way to teh exit.
# Oct 03 2001 at 1:25 AM Rating: Default
i think i just screwed myself over, but..
i did my shackle of bronze quest, then forgot to say "what student" and started swimming back. i caught my mistake and came back to the master and now he wont talk to me about it.
is there any way to get him to repeat the phrase without doing the quest over???
is it possible that i show a GM my bronze shackle, will he get him to repeat it for me?
RE: problem..
# Oct 28 2001 at 3:21 AM Rating: Excellent
You must say "Where is the Student".
do i need to do the other shackle?
# Sep 02 2001 at 11:45 PM Rating: Default
can i just jump striaght to this shackle and skip the rest?
RE: do i need to do the other shackle?
# Oct 02 2001 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default
No. You have to have both the copper and bronze shackles because veltar request both of these plus the coppernickle key to get the shackle of steel.

-Tranzen Enddance
40th level monk of Cazic-Thule
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 02 2001 at 6:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) im a 43 monk with fungi tunic and ifs etc would i be able to solo this quest?
RE: solo?
# Oct 02 2001 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
Don't count on it. I went there today as a 40 monk...I have fungi tunic/wu's stick/kd/ 1200hp/890ac/903atk....Unless you have "Good" resist gear, bring a group. All the goblins have an insanely high aggroe range and most of the ones I encountered were casters...Two of them being a boneslaver and the interrogator himself both being necros that can fear/stun. Very nasty and I've died twice there. I'm gonna wait till I'm about 45+ and even then I'll probably take a group with me. It's not fun trying to do a CR from the bottom of droga in the jail area ;)
Next Shackle?
# Aug 13 2001 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
I finished this quest and when I handed the items into veltar, I noticed some thing in his coments.
When explaining what he needs, as it says abov he says "...I shall reward you the first shackle of the fourth rung." Now since he says First of the fourth rung it seems there should be a second. Wether this quest for the next shackle is in the game yet is another story, but It seems like it is worth trying to find.
RE: Next Shackle?
# Aug 21 2001 at 3:55 AM Rating: Default
I'm not for sure, but the next shackle could be the Shackle of Scale.
RE: Next Shackle?
# Jan 11 2002 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
Im really starting to Believe that there is alot more to the shackle quests then just needing for the epic. I too noticed that he said 1st in the 4th rung. The shackle of scale quest may indeed be the next of the 4th but unfotuantly the items needed really seem to be impossible to get. I am wondering if a person could actually finish both of these and then turn them in to the master for a shackle of the 5th rung. Also I am trying to finish the whistling fist quest hoepfully none of these are broken. I wish more people would do quests.
RE: Next Shackle?
# Feb 07 2002 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
"Im really starting to Believe that there is alot more to the shackle quests then just needing for the epic."

The Iksar quest shackles aren't needed for the monk epic.

And at this point, since the Shackle of Scale quest is currently broken, there isn't any more to the shackle quests than the Shackle of Steel reward.

"Also I am trying to finish the whistling fist quest hoepfully none of these are broken."

The Whistling Fist quest (not the Robe of the Whistling Fist) is, and has always been, broken. It eventually hits a dead-end, and Verant has admitted that the quest is broken.

"I wish more people would do quests."

Lots of people do quests. It's just that most quests are so mind-numbingly boring to do that if the rewards aren't worthwhile, most people aren't going to do them.
RE: Next Shackle?
# Feb 26 2002 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
308 posts
After the Shackle of Steel, you may now continue your quest to receive the Shackle of Tynnomium, an excellent upgrade to the Shackle of Steel.

The Iksar shackle quests are required for the recently implemented Whistling Fists quest, and it is currently believed (though not yet proven) that the Whistling Fists may be used in place of the Robe of the Whistling Fists during the quest for the Celestial Fists.
RE: Next Shackle?
# Mar 06 2002 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default
Can i have more info on this acces to the celestial Fist?

Shackle of steel
Shackle of tynnonium
Whistlin fists
and Celestial fist

is a good way? You dont need the ROWF? can anyone post me more informations on shackle of tynnonium and whistlin fits. i never see web site speak of those quests ( not mention those)

Thanks for your attention
Bokafu 43 MNK on Sullon Zek
RE: Next Shackle?
# Mar 21 2003 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
204 posts
you can NOT use the whistling fists in place of RoWF
Another way to get the slave out of his cell...
# Jul 22 2001 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
I took a druid and monk down (via the pit), cleared the area from the interrogator room. Druid pulled the slave out with snare and gated when the slave got to our room. I hailed him, handed in the stuff, and go the shackle.

I had the druid bound outside of the dungeon - over by the OT zone valley. Ran him back in, dropped down the pit, evac'd out.
RE: Another way to get the slave out of his cell...
# Jul 14 2002 at 7:06 PM Rating: Default
Why bother bringing a druid to snare?? Just bring a shuriken, then throw it at him and when he is out of the cell, FD

Then talk away..

Leazerds Ppull
34 Monk of Zebuxoruuk
Solid quest info
# Jul 13 2001 at 4:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Okay people, here's the real deal on this quest.

I, a level 46 monk, attempted to finish this quest in Droga last night by myself. I didn't have invis potions, so needless to say it is tough. The zone is literally swarming with goblins and they are all underconned. At my level nearly everything was green, but the warriors hit consistently for 75ish and there are also lots of wizards with 200+ nukes. This quest is very doable by yourself as long as you are high enough level to solo these goblins, and you have an invis potion and a shrink potion. I found the easiest way to do it was drop down through the pit trap (make sure you're been practicing your Safe Fall). When you fall through the pit trap you'll be in a cell with the goblin penkeeper, kill him but don't worry about looting his keys you won't need them. Shrink yourself, and you are able to walk through the holes in the gates of the jail cells, you can do this for all the cells. If you already got the "A Nickel Key" from Dalnir then you're all set. The only thing you HAVE to do down in the jail is kill the goblin interrogator. He spawns in the cell that has the door knocked off and lying on the ground. He is a necromancer and conned blue at 46 and he will run when low on health and needless to say he wasn't easy to kill. Once you kill him you'll get "A Copper Key". Put that in the key base that you got from Master Rinmark along with the "A Nickel Key" that you got in Dalnir and you'll have "A Coppernickel Key". When I was down there I never saw "a crazed iksar slave", the proper one was already spawned. You can just walk through the gate, give him your shackles and the key and you get your Shackle of Steel! Now comes the hard part, getting out. A map of the place and an invis potion are necessities I would say even if you have 200 Feign Death. I didn't have the invis potion I was lucky a 59 druid came in (that zone is always empty) and TPed me out of there. Even if no one comes to your aid though and you die trying to escape it's still worth it. This bracer is better than any of our planar gear. I would say the only better monk bracer than this would be the Wrist Guard of Thunder off King Tormax, but that isn't exactly attainable at 46. Good luck all, it's not an easy quest but definetly worth it.
RE: Solid quest info
# Dec 01 2001 at 10:55 PM Rating: Default
actually i would have to say this quest and all the shackle quests aren't worth it. By the time you are 50 you can get bracer of benevolence if you are in a guild. In fact, you can get 2 of them. 17ac resists and other stats awesome monk bracer.

anonymous grandmaster
Whistling fists
# Jun 07 2001 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
Just asked Veltar about the whistling fists, this makes him despawn so you have to wait to do the shackle or do the shackle first and wait for him to respawn. He says his quest has brought him here looking for the gnome metal contraption to decipher a spectral scroll in COM. even if the whistling fists quest is broke, this would be a good thing to do if they do decide to restart it.
oh key words i used "what of the whistling fists?"
Gobbies r nasty...
# Jun 03 2001 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
This place is truly infested, nasty place.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 19 2001 at 11:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
# May 19 2001 at 8:06 AM Rating: Default
The idea of shrink sounds good. I camped inside the jail for over two hours and never found the bronze key. I threw 20 shuriken with no response except from the crazed Iskar slave, who will attack anyway. Save time and effort plan to use shrink for the quest and bring someone who can TP you out when you are done. Hope you have better luck than I did.

NOTE: About 1 in 4 MOBs in the jail area drop the copper key, but the interragator always drops it and his room makes a good safe area to pull to.

Chikarik 45 Iskar Monk
Still broken
# Apr 30 2001 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
I just finished this quest today... I went LD right after turning in my tin box, and could NOT get Rinmark to respond to me after I re'logged. Typing "where is the student?" finally yielded a response.


I tried EVERY combination involving the word student I could think of. Why can't Verant fix their parser? C'mon! You shouldn't have to be so freakin' precise just to START a quest!
RE: Still broken
# Apr 19 2002 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
I guess it's real hard to type grammatically correct sentences!
I'ts not broken you just didn't ask the right questions
# Jul 15 2001 at 11:40 PM Rating: Default
type "who student" instead of the standard what
# Apr 14 2001 at 11:08 PM Rating: Default
Ppl, can anyone give some more info about where interrogator pops and how it spawns,like is he rare uncommon spawn,or he spawns everytime...pls anyone
# Mar 19 2001 at 10:18 AM Rating: Default
Maybe it was just my server, maybe it has happened with some patch, but the doors that lead to the Iksar slave did not open with either key gotten off of the penmaster yesterday. The only way that I was able to get my Shackle was to thank a guild mate, he is a halfling <tap ya know who you are;) > and as we were sitting there with the keys NOT opening the doors he happened to walk right through the gate! If you have this problem, get a shrink, and run through the left side of each door and you pass right through the bars. Maybe they will fix the problem one day, heh

Ssirus- Keepers of The Balance
33 my ass
# Mar 07 2001 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
I am 38 and this quest is tough cause Droga is a horrible place........STAY AWAY
RE: 33 my ass
# Mar 17 2001 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
I completed the quest at 36. It's doable, if you drop down the pit with backup. Mine was a lovely druid named Meailea. We dropped in invis, moved to the interrogator's room, and did systematic clearing. In the process we got the Bronze key (to veltar's cell), then relocated in there between room respawns. Not easy (several deaths on my part), but more managable than fighting our way in with multiple groups.

The key from Dalnir
# Feb 26 2001 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
The Nickel Key from Dalnir is tradeable. My friend and I camped this crusader room for 6 hours. The Penkeeper spawned 2 times both times he had the key. Then 3 hours later I came back. A enchanter was thee for his epic quest component and was also killing the crusader. He had the penkeeper spawn threee times in a row. Second time the penkeeper dropped the Robe of Foci. So the penkeeper is easy to hold down with a 47 monk and 38 monk. Hope this helps.
Stone Key
# Feb 21 2001 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
Yesterday I had completed this quest.

The goblin penmaster inside the jail had dropped two times a Stone Key (that open the cell on the extrem left with a goblin taskmaster who drops nothing interesting) : so no Bronze Key :(
We had killed "a crazed iksar slave" three or four times to make Veltar spawns.
My shaman friend had shinked me two or three times so I can go through the iksar prisonner grid (under the lock).

I think that several Shrink + Invisibility/Superior Camouflage can allow a small group to go inside the right cell from the table room or from the trap.

The penmasters keys are not necessary if your size can be reduced.
Shackle Of Velium?
# Feb 17 2001 at 1:53 AM Rating: Default
One is definitely steel and not of goblin design. The other is made of an unfamiliar metal.
Unfamiliar metal = Velium?..perhaps is worth a look =)
#Anonymous, Posted: May 19 2001 at 11:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
RE: Shackle Of Velium?
# Feb 20 2001 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
No, you can tell that the other is supposed to be Coppernickel since it sounds like it is made of the same stuff as the key.
RE: Shackle Of Velium?
# Mar 17 2001 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
And it is, as you see after you give him the coppernickle key.
# Feb 11 2001 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for all that handy info everyone! I finally finished this quest but I forgot to ask Veltar about the Whistling Fists. Doh! Whoever goes down there next, please ask him!
# Feb 02 2001 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
Veltar spawns in the middle of the cell, his pher is the crazed iksar slave. Don't kill the iksar slave that spawns on the right half of cell or you will get bad legion and mystics faction.
how ?
# Jan 24 2001 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
how can i do if i had destroyed my first schakle ?
i need all shackle to have the nextest and finaly have the schakle of steel . is there any thing i can do ?
RE: how ?
# Aug 15 2001 at 12:21 AM Rating: Default
Just do the other quests, and when you need the first shackle to complete the quest just create a new iksar monk, hand the shackle, log your true monk, then give the other stuff then you will receive the shackle...
it's a sort of self-multiquest
RE: how ?
# May 29 2001 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
178 posts
You can reclaim your first shackle by doing the penance quest, which was recently added to the game. You can find the penance quest in Cabilis East quests.
RE: how ?
# Jan 24 2001 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
See the info on "Shackle of Stone" quest.
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