Praetor Ledalus Thaddaeus  

a rare creature

Uploaded October 27th, 2014 by Railus

  • This mob spawns at the RIGHT of Holmein the Hated. loc +1073; -189, +10.

Praetor Ledalus Thaddaeus (click for map image) spawns from PH "a supurbus praetor lucem" down the ramp from the central dome.

Map points for "dredge.txt" map files (for all Combine Dredge named map points, see this quest entry):

  • P 198.3099, -1194.5828, -27.1993, 127, 0, 0, 1, Praetor_Ledalus_Thaddaeus
  • P 165.4712, -1149.8947, -26.3880, 127, 0, 0, 1, Praetor_Ledalus_Thaddaeus

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2020-12-13 22:21:46.

Level: 109
Expansion: The Darkened Sea
Effects Used:Praetor's Strike
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3rd spawn spot
# Dec 09 2020 at 7:11 PM Rating: Excellent
59 posts
He's also to the RIGHT of Holmein the Hated. loc +1073.39; -189.93, +10.93.. i would attack from below .. H the H does NOT assist, nor does the demolishers .. but the other two up there will the hidden Doomscale and the other Doomscale up there will .. i just pacified them .. had to clear the mobs next to H THE H .. also while clearing the trash, one mob jumped off the stairs "a lapis operarius" joined in ... FYI never seen named up in that location. Until the new expansion claws of veeshan came out yesterday
110 Solo Mage
# Mar 28 2020 at 4:40 AM Rating: Good
274 posts
Pretty straightforward, named popped after one round of PH clearances.
Single pull, no adds.
No special tricks or abilities that I noticed.

110 Solo Mage. Air Pet, EM XXI
Chard ~ 120 Magician of Bertoxxulous
Mean Ole Men
Formerly a soloer but now twin boxing another mage.
Not that hard
# Feb 04 2016 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
From what i read here, i was a bit scared. But first time in Dredge, i looked this camp up, found the ph's and killed them. Next spawn, named popped. I am 3 boxing Enc + Mag + Wiz. With mag's pet tanking, and 2 healer mercs, health of pet never dropped under 70%. Mag was doing some heals, just because i didnt know what to expect. But im convinced i can kill him with just 1 healer merc as well. Dropped the staff and thats what i was after. So in like 20 mins, i got what i came for! Lucky me!
Loot Item Dropped by Mob
# Dec 11 2014 at 3:12 PM Rating: Excellent
2,467 posts
# Dec 09 2014 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
328 posts
Wow what a damage output.

2 Merc Healers and a Druid Patch healer could keep up healing of a real Warrior at lvl 105 group geared when he lost Last Standing Disc but his AE beams healers and casters into hell if you are unlucky. Any strats for the non-Ubah or recommendations here?


Mage/Enc/Dru + 2x Healer Merc + 1x Caster Merc did it. Mage Pet tanks, Enc mezzes the single add, optionally offtanking with enc pet, while mage and druid spamming heals and enc spamming spell shields when dissolving worked like a charm.

Edited, Dec 9th 2014 9:55pm by Fayman
# Jan 02 2015 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
37 posts
Have the health AA's done for your mercs? I 3 box and my mercs never die on him. Knocks them down to like 25% health, but easily healed back up then.
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