Respawn is 17min30sec. I just set-up in the hallway before the jailroom so if I have to go afk, there is no worry about a respawn agroing me. Really only need to kill 3 mobs to do named, but I usually clear the room of trash as well. Trash in Degmar seems to drop a lot of brinys. I have looted more Glowing brinys off trash in Degmar than I have from all the nameds I have camped in all of TDS combined. The named itself was an easy fight. Didn't do any AE damage to my boxes and pretty sure they were all standing in range for it. Although my warrior is just group geared, I had a lot of healing power and pretty good DPS from boxes and mercs.
edit: guess I got lucky with the AE damage the first 3 or 4 times, because he did none. However, the next few times he did. Make sure to buff up everyone and be ready to group heal. My caster merc was getting dropped to 25% health with the AE. Wasn't hard to deal with, just be ready.
Edited, Sep 17th 2015 9:36am by Boop