okay the info i gathered, on this and other nameds.
First on the stoneslab behind tower, there are the place holders of chamberlain, very easy camp as you have a safe spot between the two towers.
Second the named of this thread. I sent a few in game emails to server first looters to get info. Almathy was very nice in precisely describing where to camp him. Altho i doubted him after it took 3 days to pop our first named hehe, then got 2 in like 20 mins.
Either way, he is on what i'd call entry level, or level 0.
When you enter tower turn right, go down the tiny ramp like 2 steps. and enter the door in front of ye. now if you turn left you see 3 mobs at the end of this room together and another door to a smaller room with again 3 mobs in that room. Those two groups of mobs are where this named spawns for sure. I got him twice of the first group of named.
This named just as chamberlain and fuelmaster seems pretty gimp. But his camp is truly the hardest of the three. Mostly because you need to clear through like 15 mobs back to back to get into the main room and settle in.
We had a real hard time getting in.
Finally you have fuelmaster who spawns in first room of second part of tower. Had him spawn of one of the two roamers. Pretty easy camp nice rewards.
Added the other two named i know dropping loot here in this reply, since i figure some may be looking on info on them.
Any one please know where he spawns at? Which room, and part of the room or even better a Loc to his spawn point, the PH a wanderer? Anything would help, love to get those earrings. Thank you.