His Location is -662.96, 1023.07 ...Just south of center of map
Song: Aelfric's Last Lullaby | 703pp 7gp 5sp 7cp | |
Song: Beckon of the Tuffein | 808pp 3gp 7sp 1cp | |
Song: Denon`s Dirge of Destruction | 851pp 6gp 2sp 4cp | |
Song: Erollisi's Cantata | 687pp 9gp 7sp 5cp | |
Song: Erollisi's Chorus | 783pp 5gp 8sp 1cp | |
Song: Ervaj's Defensive Refrain | 740pp 8gp 1sp 3cp | |
Song: Fermata of Preservation | 765pp 1gp 1sp 2cp | |
Song: Minohten's Purifying Panpipes | 814pp 4gp 5sp 7cp | |
Song: Performer's Psalm of Pyrotechnics | 778pp 2gp 1sp 6cp | |
Song: Queen Eletyl's Screech | 820pp 1sp 4cp | |
Song: Song of the Dryads | 738pp 6gp 2sp 4cp | |
Song: Staccato Rhythms | 864pp 5gp 4sp 5cp | |
Song: Veshma's Lively Crescendo | 863pp 1gp 6sp 2cp | |
Song: Weshlu's Chillsong Aria | 739pp 7gp 9sp | |
Song: Whispersong of Veshma | 687pp 6gp 2sp 2cp |