Rainbethel Geogo is involved with the low level task called "Orc Territory Straight Ahead". This task is obtained from a wood elf guard in Kelethin by the name of Guard Sunweaver, who is located at the top of the PoD lift in Kelethin (loc = P165,P295). When you find him, you will see that he has the title of "(Task Master)" below his name.
This task involves a little bit of running around in northern Greater Faydark and in Crushbone. The last stage of the task is completed by hailing Rainbethel Geogo.
The reward for this task is 8 gold and 6 silver, and some exp.
Again, this is a task suited for low level characters.
In general, if you find an NPC in a zone who cons indifferent and, when hailed, responds with "I'm sorry. I'm waiting for someone important to arrive.", that NPC is part of a task.
I hope this helps.
-- Scruetayp, 73 Leezard Necromancer, Quellious server