The Fabled Gorul Longshanks does indeed roam the lands. I took my lvl 43 warrior there to get some nice exp and the Shard of Power. We were between the spires and the giant fort.
Things were going nicely for her, I had 3 giants rooted while she slashed and bashed on another. At lvl 69,[shaman], I loaded spells for the lvl of this zone, heals; dd, and my best slow & root. [The giants did break root fairly fast on occasion but easy to fix].
So all of a sudden I started getting hit pretty hard. I turned thinking root broke only to find that The Fabled Gorul Longshanks was hitting me. He conned LB! Would have been exp for me except I had no dd or dot loaded for his lvl not even gate and no merc tank up to assist me. Too bad I had to zone ; he drops a nice buckler my warrior would have liked.
Lesson learned… always always have gate and your best dd’s and dot’s loaded no matter what the lvl of the zone. And a hot key for dismount might have helped a little too.