Lol this mob is a joke Killed it with a Beastlord and a Druid took about 20 minutes due to the fact of the hp on it only the ae never stuck on either of us and it barely even stuck on my pet
killed this 2 days ago, hits less than 1k, slowable, hi mr resist, duoed it, took 40 min to kill with warrior 13,5k buffed and shaman only, only warrior did damage, easy resist AE and has another effect too i cant remember, some DD+stun, permarooted btw.
Spakko <Guardian Prophets> Kane Bayle
P.S. Ubriacone Folle got the loot, a shield, sending mail to get it on loot list... and gratz him ) (he is my cousin :P)
I'd say doing her with single group is on par with single grouping AoW, not the intensity wise but just the length, this momma has some HP. It took me, 70 warrrior. 70 chanter, 70 ranger, and uh oh 70 Druid bout 7-8 min to kill
I'd say doing her with single group is on par with single grouping AoW, not the intensity wise but just the length, this momma has some HP. It took me, 70 warrrior. 70 chanter, 70 ranger, and uh oh 70 Druid bout 7-8 min to kill
level 65, only a few mobs in the area nearby, most of those mid 50's, doubt they will need to be cleared. In the large room on the SE corner of your map. Scared me good...and I hate spiders, so I'll be back to slay her soon :)
Her den is in the southeast corner of Lavaspinner's Lair at (-1850, -1900). Cons indifferent. She is perma-rooted, so everyone gets behind her except the tank.
Spawn time: hours, days?
effects: Spray of Venom (400 AE DD + 2 sec stun, approx every 25 seconds) Arachnae Venom (single target aggro reducer + snare, often) both poison resist
level: 65 HP: lots, takes 12 min for a group of level 65-70 to kill hit: 300-900? rampage: rarely enrage: yes
loot: one item per kill Cinder Steel Trident Magma War Belt