Hello All: we we just killed her after fighting Faleniel of Darkwater! she spawned right after the kill 70 chanter , 70 warrior , and 71 druid, plus the Merc's of corse as well. took all but 1 min to drop her. looted the Shimmering Scale Bracer for her! gave it to the chanter of corse..
Took this mob out with 65 ranger/ cleric/ enchanter quite easily. not very many HPs. hits for 356 max. No flurries or rampages. Casts cleric spells. Immune to snare/root. It didnt run on me, but I had other mobs mezzed nearby (dont think it runs because other mobs in SG that are immune to snare dont run.) Didn't try to gate. Roams near mistress of the darkwater (down well.)
Deadly / Alluring sirens can spawn off any siren PH, however I have only seen them in the temple down the well in approx 15-20 kills so safe to say you'll still have to get wet.