First, This is absolutely the worst camp in the game of Everquest. The PH, "Bubonian Mystic", spawns at 404, -246, -69. There are other mobs in the room, but this is his only spawn loc. His PH is a "Bubonian Mystic" and only that mob model. It never changes model type. he has a partner that stands next to him, and can be any Bubonian mob type. The rest of the mobs in the room can be any bubonian mob types. Now for the bad news. This mob is ULTRA RARE. I killed him 38 hours after server up. That is 38 hours uninterrupted. This spawn is on a 24 minute timer. That means 95 spawns to get him. I have the logs. This is just nuts to camp that long for any mob.
In a fraction of this time i killed the entire zone serveral times, Bertoxxulous, and the other hunter mobs. (Prior to server update)
Additionally, The fat rat models, Witchdoctor Orxkra, Plague Lord Hetral, and High Mystic Qucosp are static spawn location mobs. All the rest of the hunters can, and do, pop in other locations.
The Elite Knight of Decay, Elite Necromancer of Decay, and Elite Priest of decay are not in the normal zone. They are in the basement and part of the Bertoxxulous raid event. Despite what is posted in game maps.
I posted this because after camping anything so long you begin to question weather the mob actually exists in game, and the serious lack of information in this thread.
I am certain that others have popped this guy in a couple of attempts, or was even up when they encountered him. If your not one of those guys, then you are just plain unlucky like me.
Witchdoctor Orxkra casts a 50% area affect slow called Debilitating Death and Orxkras Bane which is a 300dd + 100 hp per tick dot. The slow isn't curable with a single cast of Shamans Disinfecting Aura, required a few casts as mentioned below. Immune to slows (Immune message with Shaman). Immune to snares (Immune message with SK). Dropped the Worm Eaten Skull Charm for us as well.
debilitating death has 18 disease counters so abolish disease will cure it in one cast, 2 casts of disinfecting aura (10 counters), 3 casts of counteract disease (8 counters).
Killed him last night. Slow IS curable by Abolish Disease, which is the effect of the Velious leg armor for Shamans. As a 62 shaman, I got 8% aaxp for the kill. Dropped the necklace.
Got Worm Eaten SKull Charm Magic Item Lore Item Slot: Neck Cha: +5 Hp HP: +20 MANA: +20 SV Cold: +5 SV Poison" +5 REcommended level of 534 Effect: Aura of HEalth (worn) (1 hp a tic) WT: .02 Size: small Class: ALL Race: ALL
Enjoy Oh he was BLUE to me at level 65 1 group doable easy. Immune to Chanter SLOW
Naw Blood of Nadox is GROUP pureblood... because we looked at what pureblood did and ******* them out for giving us a spell quest that gave us a another version of a spell we already had at that level (disinfecting aura. Very handy spell for raids with disease and poison dots.