I'm told you don't need the second mission, but if you do, know that the etching transcript now seems to go into the inventory of the player that requested the mission.
As noted by me in the instance thread, my group completed this mission but this essential item did not appear in our inventories. Hence we were unable to complete this mission.
Anyone else run into this problem and if so what did you do?
OK, we had the same problem today...but if you are farming this mission instead of just doign it once for progression, there is a solution.
The item you get from statue for next to last step in mission is: "etching transcript" You have to turn that in to mission giver to complete mission. At the end of mission, everyone in group gets an "etching transcript" which you turn in to another toon for progression.
Thus if you have the same bug we got today (I approached statue and the task line updated but transcript didnt appear on my cursor), you can still recover by having anyone in group grab their etching transcript out of bank (from prior missions) and turn that in for the win. They are not lore, so you can have multiple...also since not lore you should be able to get new on on cursor even if have one banked. As for why we didn't get one, the only thing I did was move somethign into a bag a second before approaching statue..perhaps this created a conflict for item on cursor since dropped old item a second before.
If you hail Elnot after recieving this he will tell you to give it to the High Mage to continue progression. Give it to the high mage and follow the tells including talking to the avatar of prexus to continue in progression.