This is not a forum for saying "i want to buy this" or "i want to sell this".
please look in ghte classifides and look to see if one is for sale on your server, or take the time and enter your character and put it under "want to buy".
or hit "pricing data" on this page, it will show ya who is using it, and who has it for sale.
Posted:May 07 2001 at 7:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hello, i want to buy this sword. if someone who wishes to sell this could e-mail me or send me a /tell at Reel on terris-thule, it would be great, thnx
Posted:Apr 22 2001 at 3:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Keep me in mind if you want to sell that sword.
Posted:Apr 16 2001 at 6:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I would like to buy this sword two of them that is paying 40 PLAT for them E-Mail me at SiLvErSuRfEr5001@CS.COM.
why is this so much lighter then the berserker axe? this should be 8.5 whereas the axe 2.0 making it more in line with a silvery war axe. oh well. i wonder if this looks like a sharkjaw cutlass, that would be a nice looking combo...
It looks like a Sharkjaw cutclass... only difference is that this one have small gems on the shaft.. looks and is awsome with wurmslayer.... and the weigth is good, cuz WS already sux me stamina down the drain =)
Guttleif Ghoulslayer 41th Stormguard Torvonnilous Server