Classes: The Cleric

Clerics -- the premier healer in the game. A popular class for any group, the cleric brings the ability to heal the party and keep you from dying, and can even bring you back from death at higher levels.

What is the best way to play a cleric? Can a cleric be soloed, and if so how? How should you play a cleric in a group? What spells are the best ones to buy and develop? what skills should a cleric concentrate on? What items should you seek out?

Post your strategies on how to best play and develop the Cleric and read, rate and comment on what others have to say.

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Training up a Battle ClericFollow

Training up a Battle Cleric
#1 Jan 18 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
I'm training a new Battle Cleric and have full regulation armor at level 10. Does anyone have a suggestion for a good shield to use from this level to, say, level 25? And where and how is the best way to acquire this shield. Thanks.

Training up a Battle Cleric
#2 Jan 18 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
3,705 posts
Are you talking about Everquest 2? this is a forum for everquest ONE!

I have never heard of regulation armor, nor is a "battle cleric" really a viable option in Everquest. Therefore I have to assume you mean EQ2.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#3 Jan 19 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Default
Yes, Everquest One....and armor was obtained by contacting Cleric GM in North Freeport, then looting or buying components in order to forge armor items. (If you need help with this, let me know.)

Battle Cleric not viable? I would much rather get in my hits and participate in conquents, than sit on the fringes and cast healing to and fro. Try it sometime - you'll like it!


Training up a Battle Cleric
#4 Jan 19 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Excellent
3,705 posts
So you mean Ordained armor? the Newby quest stuff.

And at level 10, even level 25, you can continue to play "Battle cleric" but understand that once you get to the higher levels, that strategy becomes a heck of a lot less viable. Sure you can add some very trivial dps between heals if you are in an easy zone, but realistically speaking you won't be doing much dps, and you sure as heck will not be able to tank a mob.

And yes, I do know a little bit about being a cleric. Here's my magelo, to give you an idea where I am in the game :
Training up a Battle Cleric
#5 Jan 20 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Default
The question was about a good shield for a new cleric. Condescending lectures are not appreciated nor required.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#6 Jan 23 2005 at 2:16 AM Rating: Excellent
3,705 posts
Well, the original post was kind of misleading, but I'll let that go. If you want an easy to get shield at your level, try shiny brass shield. Drops in Crushbone.

If you nwant a better shield for purchase, look for charred guardian shield, or sarnak battle shield, depending on what stats you are trying to raise.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#7 Jan 23 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks. That's exactly the type of info I was looking for.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#8 Jan 29 2005 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
Battle Clr is fun to play =)

With over 1900AC, 8500HP 7700mana only self Buffed.

Using no nukes I can get 112DPS soloing in UP.

With MArk of Blameless and retribution both that stack. = Reverse DMG 79 every time the unslowed mob hits me.

Yaulp 7
Frienzied STR (Yes I still use that low level spell at level 70 lol.)
Unswerving Hammer of ..........

In a group however exp is much better if peeps are at same level / geared. And DPS drops way lower cause slowed mobs and no spell slots for all the melee solo'ing spells.

At level 25 it is best to save plat and find good items real cheap in baz. This can make solo'ing real easy.

Training up a Battle Cleric
#9 Feb 05 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
Oh...i dont know....I have been a cleric for well over 2 years now with a very good reputation of knowing what I am doing and keeping my party alive without much trouble..and I still tend to throw a punch or two when fighting a particularly tough mob. If you know what you are doing and can continue to maintain group healing without scaring the socks off the tank by letting him get to deaths door before you cast a spell, then yea...the extra time used waiting in between casts can be used beating the crap out of the mob...PROVIDED you can do it without obtaining the agro.... you're dead meat if you gain the mobs full attention... But even at level 65...I still bash a few heads and split a few skulls...I dont like nukes...they will **** the mob off and sometimes nothing anyone else can do will take the agro be careful HOW you play a Battle Cleric...

I liked being in the mix of things so much that I created a warrior...and she is kickass!

One last thing about being a Battle Cleric..dont be afraid to take one for the team...if they are in trouble...Tell em to zone and **** the mob off enough that you take the death and not the entire party....easier to rez and rebuff one cleric than the entire party..if you are ever in my group..and I shout ZONE NOW! and start throwing punches at the mob...I mean business...
Training up a Battle Cleric
#10 Feb 05 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
ALso....Yaulp V offers a small Mana Regeneration while on your feet...a VERY good spell for a Battle Cleric..
Training up a Battle Cleric
#11 Feb 05 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Well, first, there is a difference between meleeing and tanking. I've seen enchanters swing their staffs in battle, without feeling the need to label themselves "Battle enchanters". Yes, with top end gear, a cleric can solo LOW end mobs for exp.

My gear is not as good as Dmanick. Self Buffed I only have 6500hp 7100 mana and 1470ac. Yes I can solo blue mobs, in a couple of low end zones (Plane of Mischief is the best I have found yet). However, I can get a heck of a lot more experience killing two mobs in Riftseekers, in a group, than I can soloing for an hour in PoM.

Also, as far as the cleric staying and "taking one for the group", thats all fine and good if you are grinding in PoP, and bound in PoT, AND have a chanter in your group. However, if you're grinding somewhere harder to get to (Like riftseekers), or anywhere in GoD, most people would rather see the whole group EXCEPT the cleric die, if the cleric can make zone. Otherwise you end up with a huge CR, and a healer with no mana regen buffs except for their own and the potion.

Typically when people refer to "Battle cleric" they are thinking of the D and D type clerics, who can jump in the fray and tank semi well. Those don't exist in Everquest. Seriously, if you need PoTime/Qvic and/or Anguish gear to tank mobs in UP, then you are not a tank. A real tank can tank those mobs in Velious gear.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#12 Feb 06 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
I will have to concede there...(forgive my spelling, its too early in the am) I do not have the latest two expansions yet...and do not know anything about them at this time. Im basing my experience on the time I have spent with others in groups and raids up to and including the GoD zones. I never played the original D&D games so I dont know how they are structured. As far as a cleric being a tank....i they cant. They dont have the stats for it. Thats why many clerics also have a warrior hidden in their character base

Maybe the term Battle Cleric is applied to liberally in EQ? Maybe it should be more like "Bop-em-when-you-can" Cleric...*grin* I suppose to be a true Battle Cleric you would have to be able to take on the mobs face to face, full agro, and all. What I do is merely assist those assisting the tank....and being a hobbit, im normally beating on the mobs ankles....(that HAS to hurt..right?)

Training up a Battle Cleric
#13 Mar 12 2005 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
I think u could work on your attitude for someone trying to be helpful. I Have a 62 cleric also and I think what Xaanru was trying to say was that if u want a "Battle Cleric" you should go with a paladin. Everquest is misleading at low levels. I had similiar plans for my cleric and at lower levels it looked great but like Xaan said at higher levels it is not viable.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#14 Mar 14 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
Many good points were made here. Clerics are not and never will be a "tank" at high end game play. STFU an heal is what we get alot! We may be able to add some dps or even solo a few lower planes mobbs but with out some backup we are not seriously grinding exp.... unless you consider putting 4 clerics or so in a group then you basically have a non stopable group with a ranger and chanter.hehehe.but seriously clerics rock and with some of the newer content we look to be using our dps skills more. the harder the content the harder to heal it will be which tells me the dps spells and gear is just a teaser. Fun to beat on a mobb every once in awhile i usally take these aggressions out on moss snakes but i wouldnt look to make a serious effort of it. my 2cp worth
Training up a Battle Cleric
#15 Mar 28 2005 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
Bravo for calling yourself a Battle Cleric, I tip my Skull Ale to ya. Of course I've not seen you in action but it's the mere thought that you're so full of vision and enthusiasm for your new cleric that I'm cheering. One thing that we higher clerics should never do is put down (whether intentionally or not) a young player, especially when it's one of our own class. If someone wants to call himself/herself a Battle Cleric than let them, it's their roleplaying game too. Never should a bubble be burst like that.

I was given the title 'Battle Cleric' by one of my closest friends when we were writing stories revolving around our EQ characters and I tell you, there's no greater feeling than to hear it being mentioned. No we're not made to tank extensively.. if so we'd be warriors... but we're not weak little healers either. Simply because we can't tank every single mob doesn't mean we can't be called Battle Clerics. To me (and perhaps this is just my opinion) the title Battle Cleric simply means that you make an effort in the battle to help bring down the mob that's hurting your friend. Is that not important? Whether you do real significant damage or whether you tank the mob or not, to me that doesn't matter. It's the effort and the desire to help that is most important. I tank whenever I get a chance, it has definitely helped me get a feel for what my cleric can or can't take. I've died under aggro, I've lived under aggro... we have our limits. I need a warrior or other dps beside me to actually bring the mob down but it's still fun to take some hits every now and then. The key is to know when to back off and let the warrior taunt it off before you get low hp aggro.

Being a warrior as well, it's nice to know that if your cleric does get aggro then he/she won't instantly be shouting for help or running around trying to get it off (possibly getting more mobs in the process). Taking a few hits while your tank gets aggro back is very important and helps keep a calm atmosphere while on the battlefield. Nothing is harder than trying to taunt off a mob from someone running in circles. There is a level of trust that a group must have with their cleric and I think that trust is at it's greatest when the cleric is allowed to fight side-by-side with them.

But that is my opinion so agree/disagree as you wish. I personally used a Charred Guardian Shield as my first shield, in response to your actual question. Nice little shield for low levels. Keep on roleplaying as your Battle Cleric, it's your game after all. You're here to have fun and by golly, have it! Take what others say with a grain of salt... in the end, we must learn on our own if we are to truly experience the journey that is EverQuest.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#16 May 08 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
As a general rule, clerics are not going to melee. That being said, if you have an top geared cleric, it can be done fairly succesfully. I have a 70 cleric that is about 9500 HPs and 2K AC self buffed. With the new DoN DS proc spell we get, clerics can actually solo some blue mobs. I have tanked at certain times and meleed in groups. It is possible in certain situations and a nice change from just straight healing.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#17 May 11 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
I think the whole term "Battle Cleric" gives some people the wrong idea. No, most clerics will not be able to tank high level mobs and definately won't be able to tank a raid but I have seen a grp of 2 clerics duo BoT. Lol the tank was a lvl 70 cleric and her healer was a lvl 66 cleric. So to say that clerics can't EVER tank is BULL! I do every now and then get in there with the tank and smack the hell out of the mob....why not? Better than sitting there twiddling my thumbs lol. Yes I know I don't do nearly the damage a pally or war does but hey I AM a cleric not a cleridin ( hehe Misse ). And also I am the type of cleric that if I'm getting beat on won't run in circles sreaming get it off me! lol I'll just tell the grp get if off me please then root and move. So, no any cleric good at her/his job is no defenseless weakling and can be a valuable asset to the group. You can check my Magelo out to see what my cleric looks like :)
Training up a Battle Cleric
#18 May 16 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
hee hee Can I be a battle Shammy?
Training up a Battle Cleric
#19 Jun 16 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
Well spoken Sheritanas. We may never be in Norrath the clandestine Holy Warrior of Dungeons and Dragons, but the easiest way to limit what you can do with your toon is to limit your imagination. If you can make a cleric that can hold his/her own next to your mt and still take care of your primary task, keeping your party alive, then by the gods be a battle cleric. I may yet be a youngling in the healing discipline, but I have traveled with many an impressive cleric that can do more than hide and heal. There is a time and a place for everything, and I am certain at the higher lvls it is difficult for us to do more, but resign yourself to that role alone and that is all you will ever achieve. Let us take care that we are not too quick to find fault in aspiration, least we underestimate our own potential. G'luck to ye, Damantoo.

Verlassen Dasein, Necromancer of 59 cycles
Xoraster, Cleric of 16 cycles
Training up a Battle Cleric
#20 Jun 18 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
I know, how about a healing Ranger?
Training up a Battle Cleric
#21 Jul 26 2005 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
375 posts
go go with your battle cleric!

it is the only way to go. that is till lvl 25 or so. then ya kinda stuck till ya hit lvl 56. lvl 56 is a golden lvl for clerics: 96% rez, and the summond hammer, and yalp that adds mana regen. once ya hit lvl 56, you can get off you mount again woot!

i can and do tank higher end mobs. I can tank creator DoN's, i can solo BoT, I can solo WoS (not worth it, but i can do it. i can solo sol ro tower. can tear up PoI like it was a noobie green zone (i go in to the place with the doors, not factory, but past that) good fun!

get me a slower and i can go tank anything under MPG, and guess what? it is more fun to me to do that then to grind grind grind in an exp group.

most clerics that say we can't tank have NO def aa. once you have max def AA you can do a good job of tanking, keep a mob stunned and he can't hit you ;-P

i off tank when needed, root park, nuke, melee, whatever is needed. i don't just sit and med. that is what makes a battle cleric, one that get off the butt and does more than just heal. use all your skills, enjoy yourself and have fun, thats what matters
Training up a Battle Cleric
#22 Aug 17 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
i aggree clerics are a family on this game some classes tend to be a little defencive towards each other but as clerics we dont tend to be that way. you also have to realize that this game is continued not only by the people who still play it but by the people who continue to join us in our adventure. it is a role playing game. people basicly what i am saying is be kind to one anouther u **** people off enough then they will stop playign cause it is no longer fun enough people do it then the game no longer exist. be helpfull be friendly and buff if it doesnt cost u any thing. besides u never know when u might be in the group with that person and u need something from them and dont get it. ya know 96%is good but u still loose xp :)

clerics hold ur life in there hands :) literaly
Training up a Battle Cleric
#23 Sep 06 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
15 posts
only way a cleric should be played is a battle cleric.
yes you can tank up 2 level 55, specialy if you have a higher level main to kick down some gear. I play shaman/warrior/bard/cleric/cleric, my clerics are 54/36 and they plain own. I can tank ldons and most exp my cleric would benefit from and still heal. With the right gear/spells witch most clerics seek out anyway i can do more damage then rouges.
pay close attention to your spells and read what they do. I personaly leveled and aa'ed my shaman with a cleric and we both tank and beat down mobs extremly well. No your not going to go to riftseekers at 69 with lowsy gear/aa and tank it. But you may go to hoh and do some tanking at 65 even with mediocre gear. Given some mana regen and yaulp you should almost beable to stay on your feet for a good while, and beat the snot outa mobs. At 54 my cleric has ward of divinity yaulp 3 2 divines, divine proc hammer tash stick and pet hammer, this is an extrem amount of dps for your level. You have 4 differnt ways to get out of the fight and mem spells med what ever. I expect to have my summoned hammers with hand of the gods ect and my marks,pet be able to do so much more. with crit damage aa and improved damage your dps is very good for just beating on a mob, add shaman spells spirit of the panther/leopard/puma you will proc alot and contribute to the death of many mobs.

Or just sit there and let some decent dps go to waste and not ever know your true potential.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#24 Sep 14 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
With the right gear/spells witch most clerics seek out anyway i can do more damage then rouges.

No, you can't. Not even close, not even with reverse DS, AA pet, regular pet, proc hammer, nuking with every offensive spell cast on you, crit Aas, melee enhancing AAs, it still will not even be close.

A similarly equipped rogue, will put out so much more DPS it is silly to even make the comparison.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#25 Sep 15 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
solo my dps owns a rogue (would love to know the actual DPS, last night in a new DoH zone i had 5 on me (accident), was constantly healing myself, but they all died)

granted it is on LB mobs.

but goto BF pull 4 of them, reverse proc DS + MoR/MOB eats all 4 up just as fast as 1. (done this alot going for epic 2.0 drops)

in a group when not have aggro, yes, rogue puts me to shame.
Training up a Battle Cleric
#26 Apr 28 2006 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
I have found clerics to be a great soloing class melee style. With maxed aa and the 550pt ds and using Furious hammer of zek with an added lifetap, i can solo 3 mobs in fire at once. I have tried and succeeded soloing in MPG and time also but only 1 at a time in those places. and i don't have the greatest gear either. Some of my armor is qvic,time,a few items from the furious jailor also.
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