But the problem is that many higher end fights don't have anything to mez lol. Sure we have roles and did what you stated Blorb, but that doesn't mask the fact many many fights post Txevu raiding don't need us. You have no choice but to be a nuker/debuffer. Keldovan, Ture, Jelvan, Hanvar, AMV, Delt, Yihst Vor, Pirik, Boc, Co9, Kess, Rikku, M.Shyra, Porthio... the list goes on. What are enchanters doing during those fights? Mainly Nuking/Debuffing.
Sure there are fun events that need us, but there are a ton that don't need anything from us but debuff/buff/nuke. It would be nice if SoE made more events use our full abilities.
I'm not discounting the fact that we rock though. A guild can not progress without enchanters because you will always run across events that need us to move on. The problem is that there are not enough of those events. I wish SoE would increase our usage.
Edited, Jul 4th 2006 at 4:49pm EDT by Larsbein