The Illuminating Truth  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:House of Thule
    Group Size:Group
    Min. # of Players:3
    Max. # of Players:6
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Thu Oct 28 22:38:31 2010
    Modified: Tue Dec 19 11:53:14 2023
    This is a group progression mission that begins with General Arbin Derrex in Erudin Burning. He is located at about -340, 310 (in the area south of the dock area, along with several other quest NPCs).

    You must have completed the Feerrott and House of Thule group progression missions ("Fall of the Tae Ew" and "Welcome to My Nightmare") as well as the five Partisan tasks for Erudin Burning before being able to request this one.

    Say "willing" to get the task. Say "leave" to zone into the instance.

    You say, 'Hail, General Arbin Derrex'

    General Arbin Derrex says 'Your dedication is admirable, and most certainly appreciated. We still have a long way to go before our city is reclaimed from the clutches of Heretics. You can continue to help by looking into [rumors] that Deepwater Knights may have fallen from their oaths inside the ruins of the city, or you may take the [fight] to the enemy with an attack on the Heretic leaders. Or perhaps someone with your skill is looking for a more [challenging] task?'

    You say, 'What challenging task?'

    General Arbin Derrex says 'Brave souls like you give hope for us during this dark nightmare. Unfortunately, the worst is far from over. It is truly a shame that we don't have more like you within our ranks. Keen spirit and an appetite for battle are traits that could turn the tide for our [troops].'

    You say, 'What about your troops?'

    General Arbin Derrex says 'Our offensive numbers have dwindled, but the Spirit of Erud insists on sending more into the fray to recover whatever knowledge lies buried in the burning rubble. I warned that it was a senseless thing to do. We lost our footing here long ago, and attempts to salvage [keepsakes] from the burning city have only resulted in more death and despair.'

    You say, 'Keepsakes?'

    General Arbin Derrex says 'Too many have strong sentimental attachments to the city. Do not hear me wrong, I too loved Erudin at its prime, but it is time we abandon our emotions and start thinking strategically. I have urged the Spirit of Erud to withdraw forces and destroy what little is left of Erudin. Knowledge lost is far better than knowledge in the hands of heretics, don't you [agree]?'

    You say, 'I agree'

    General Arbin Derrex says 'The Spirit of Erud refuses to listen to my reasoning. Instead, he allowed our esteemed guild masters to accompany Deepwater Knights into the heart of battle. As is the case with most expedition crews, no one has heard from them since. It is my understanding that if word were to spread that our [pillars] have fallen, the defending forces may lose what little hope they have left.'

    You say, 'Pillars?'

    General Arbin Derrex says 'It is possible that their disappearance will serve as a wake up call for the Spirit of Erud. If you are [willing], head into the burning city and discover what has become of the missing Guild Masters. Even if your findings are as grim as I suspect, report to the Spirit of Erud. Perhaps he will then awake from this haze of floundering hope that has him so blind to the truth.'

    You say, 'I'm willing'

    General Arbin Derrex says 'I'm glad you chose to aid me once again. You should [leave] at once, as we have no time to spare.'

    You have been assigned the task 'The Illuminating Truth'.

    Something is amiss in the burning city of Erudin. Most of the defensive forces are holed up near the docks, but a few guildmasters accompanied Deepwater Knights into the fray and have not been heard from since. Help uncover the mystery that is veiled over the city of Erudin.

    Task map points for "fallen.txt" map file:
    P -265.0000, 950.0000, 45.0000, 0, 0, 0, 1, Markus
    P 60.0000, 1265.0000, 46.0000, 0, 0, 0, 1, Lanken
    P -30.0000, 1285.0000, 56.0000, 0, 0, 0, 1, Ghanlin
    P -190.0000, 1200.0000, 37.0000, 0, 0, 0, 1, Wood
    P 25.0000, 1420.0000, 28.0000, 0, 0, 0, 1, Oil
    P -60.0000, 1265.0000, 28.0000, 0, 0, 0, 1, Tome

    Discover the fate of Erudin's guildmasters 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    Markus Jaevins: -950, 265, 45 (balcony outside the Temple of Divine Light)

    Lanken Rjarn: -1265, -60, 46 (second floor of the former Deepwater Headquarters)

    Ghanlin Skyphire: -1285, 30, 56 (second floor of the library)

    Note: While they all scowl, ready to attack, they are non-KOS.

    Hail each of the guildmasters:

    Markus Jaevins groans incoherently, 'My mind, it's not my own. I fear what I am becoming. Please, end my misery, I beg you! The anguish... it's... it's too much. Bring this living nightmare to an end. My only salvation will be a swift death.'

    Lanken Rjarn blinks at you stoically, with a slight twitch in his left eye. 'Who are you and why are you here? She does not require your assistance. All is well and in order. Return to the docks at once.'

    Ghanlin Skyfire gasps for air as he pleads, 'Silence! She will hear you. She hears everything; every fear she adds to her growing nightmare. Help me... please... I cannot bear the dark whispers gnawing at my mind!'

    Report to the Spirit of Erud 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    You say, 'Hail, Spirit of Erud'

    Spirit of Erud says 'So the guild masters live! Something embedded within my soul told me they had not perished, though your report clearly shows things are not well. General Arbin Derrex is so eager to demolish what is left of our city, yet his hasty actions would have meant our guild masters' demise. It is good you found them; now something must be done to [help] them.'

    You say, 'How can we help?'

    Spirit of Erud says 'My instincts are keener than they have ever been. Waves of memories so clear rush over me, that it's hard not to feel like I've experienced all of this before. I see visions of torches... yes, it's clear, torches that reveal the true nature of a being! One of the tomes you recovered, the Ritual Guide of the Five Flames, it holds the key to crafting these torches. Return to Arbin Derrex at once, and instruct him to turn over the Ritual Guide.'

    Obtain the Ritual Guide of the Five Flames from Arbin Derrex 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    The general is in the opposite end of the room from the zone-in (west of the tunnel entrance).

    You say, 'Hail, General Arbin Derrex'

    General Arbin Derrex says 'Another fool without the sense to leave a burning city. I don't have all day, I'll try to make this quick for you. . .'

    The general attacks, and so do the two mobs near him. They aren't linked to each other, so the general can be pulled single. He hits for a max ~6,000.

    General Arbin Derrex has been slain by _____!
    General Arbin Derrex's corpse looks surprised and keels over dead.

    Loot the item from his corpse.

    Give the Ritual Guide of the Five Flames to the Spirit of Erud 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    Spirit of Erud says 'I should have known Arbin was traitorous. Everything about him seems so transparent now. Why did I not remember his twisted ways sooner? Enough contemplation, the time to act is upon us. Venture forth into the burning city and bring me back a charred piece of wood, a sample of veracious oil, and a page torn from the Tome of Acumen. With any luck, they can still be found within what is left of Erudin. The items appear to be mundane, so I'm convinced they've been left untouched by the heretics.'

    Find and deliver a charred piece of wood to Erud 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    Find and deliver a sample of veracious oil to Erud 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    Find and deliver a page from the Tome of Acumen to Erud 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    Task Window Says: The Spirit of Erud needs item to craft a torch of truth. A charred piece of wood can be found in the burning rubble. A sample of veracious oil can be collected near the storage barrels within the remains of Blue Hawk's. The Tome of Acumen should be located in the library.

    The three items in question are groundspawns in the southern portion of the zone.

    Wood: -1200, 190, 37 (in the burning rubble just northwest of the library)
    Oil: -1420, -25, 28 (inside the building in the southeast)
    Tome: -1265, 60, 28 (first floor of the library in the burning pile of books)

    Speak to the Spirit of Erud 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    You say, 'Hail, Spirit of Erud'

    Spirit of Erud says 'I used the items you brought me to create a torch of truth. How my hands knew what to craft, is a mystery to me. All I can say is that it feels as if they've done this a hundred times before... but I digress. Let the light of the torch shine before each guild master, revealing the truth of their existence, however terrifying it may be.'

    You receive a Torch of Truth.

    Light the torch before Ghanlin Skyphire 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    Equip the torch while standing next to Ghanlin. This spawns a shade which attacks.

    a Shade of Nightmare appears from the void, engulfing you in nightmarish shadows.

    Defeat the Shade of Nightmare 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    It hits for a max ~8,000 and casts "Veil of Darkness":

    Veil of Darkness: Single Target, Magic (-650)
    1: Decrease Hitpoints by 8000 per tick
    2: Blindness (1)
    3: Silence

    a Shade of Nightmare has been slain by _____!
    a Shade of Nightmare's corpse dissolves into a thick black mist and is carried away by the chilled night air.

    Ghanlin Skyfire says 'Many thanks, friend. You have freed my mind from her dark influence.'

    Light the torch before Markus Jaevins 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    Equip the torch while standing next to Markus. This spawns a shade which attacks.

    a Shade of Torment lets out an anguished shriek as it rushes toward you!

    Defeat the Shade of Torment 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    It hits for a max ~8,000 and casts the spell "Night Terrors":

    Night Terrors: Single Target, Magic (-650)
    1: Decrease Hitpoints by 9000 per tick
    2: Charm up to level 110

    a Shade of Torment has been slain by _____!
    a Shade of Torment's corpse dissolves into a thick black mist and is carried away by the chilled night air.

    Markus Jaevins says 'Many thanks, friend. You have freed my mind from her dark influence.'

    Light the torch before Lanken Rjarn 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    Equip the torch while standing next to Lanken. This spawns a shade which attacks.

    a Shade of Horror appears before you, sending a chill through the air.

    Defeat the Shade of Horror 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    It hits for a max ~8,000 and casts "Scream of Horror":

    Scream of Horror: Single Target, Magic (-650)
    1: Decrease HP when cast by 12000
    2: Decrease Hitpoints by 4000 per tick
    3: Stun (2.00 sec)

    a Shade of Horror has been slain by _____!
    a Shade of Horror's corpse dissolves into a thick black mist and is carried away by the chilled night air.

    Lanken Rjarn says 'Many thanks, friend. You have freed my mind from her dark influence.'

    Speak to the Spirit of Erud 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    You say, 'Hail, Spirit of Erud'

    Spirit of Erud says 'My assumptions were correct; the guild masters were being influenced by nightmares. It's all beginning to come back to me now. I've lived out this torment countless times before. There is only one who is capable of weaving such an intricate and deceptive nightmare, and I know just how to reveal her. I remember hiding a crate of torches in the library. I must have known I'd be back here again... Meet me in front of the library, and together we shall end this horrific nightmare once and for all!'

    Gather on the roof of the library 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    As you step onto the roof of the library, Terris Thule spawns and has this exchange:

    Spirit of Erud says 'You have been revealed, Terris Thule. No longer shall you linger in the darkness of this lurid nightmare. Come forth, and writhe in the light of truth!'

    Terris Thule says 'Oh Erud, how your tireless efforts amuse me! Do you not remember the last time we met here? The last time you attempted to break free of this magnificent dream I have crafted for you? What a terrible memory you have! Fret not; plaything. Your mind shall once again be cloaked in nightmares!'

    She strikes down the Spirit of Erud and turns her attention to you.

    Terris Thule senses an outsider presence and raises a boney finger in your direction, 'You will meet the same fate as the foolish Erud, and succumb to my nightmare!'

    Defeat Terris Thule 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    NOTE: The task locks when Terris Thule dies.

    She hits for a max ~8,500 and casts the spells "Enduring Nightmares", "Eternal Slumber" (note: both these are permanent effects), and "Nightmare's Shroud":

    Enduring Nightmares: PB AE 200', Magic (-650)
    1: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000 per tick
    2: Increase Curse Counter by 30

    Eternal Slumber: Single Target, Magic (-650)
    1: Decrease Hitpoints by 7000 per tick
    2: Increase Curse Counter by 30

    Nightmare's Shroud: Self 0', Unresistable (-650)
    1: Increase Absorb Damage by 100000
    2: Increase Absorb Magic Damage by 100000

    As you take her down to 0%, you see this unfold:

    Terris Thule says 'Evade my nightmares for now, but you're no closer to finding Morell. Soon you will witness the full power of dreams!'

    Terris Thule has been slain by _____!
    Terris Thule crashes to the ground, while shrieks of anguish echo through the burning city.

    Claim your reward from the ornate chest 0/1 (Erudin Burning)

    Although the Spirit of Erud has no recollection of recent events, thanks to your efforts, one of the many nightmares Terris Thule weaves has been dissolved.

    Spirit of Erud clutches his head in anguish and groans, 'Wh... where am I? What am I doing here? And why does my head hurt...?'

    Task Rewards:

    Experience (about 3% regular exp in Level 85)
    262 platinum
    33 Dream Motes
    Faction with Dream Delvers

    Known chest rewards (1 item + 1 spell per task):

    Algot's Focus Crystal
    Contained Black Winds of Corruption
    Elementalist Rod of Control
    Emascianite Firegem
    Grinning Skull Buckler
    Kiss of the Serpent
    Sigiled Synochleon
    Thulian Linked Helm
    Unidentifiable Shard of Bone
    Wrathborn Natureblade

    Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
    Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
    Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
    Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
    Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
    Send a Correction
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    # Jun 07 2013 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
    141 posts
    2 mercs and the curse doesn't even make a difference on a avg lvl 90 group.

    If you have a decent puller, this entire task is very easy. More time consuming than anything.
    Biko - Formerly of Solusek Ro
    # Aug 06 2014 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
    What about a bard with Aria of Amelioration? Any one try that?
    Don't let merc finish off TT
    # Feb 13 2013 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
    21 posts
    You do NOT want your merc to kill TT, you will NOT get the update.

    We had a group of 5 + 1 healer merc and we wiped while TT was almost dead and merc finished her off. Didn't get update, chest didn't spawn, couldn't proceed.
    Don't let merc finish off TT
    # Dec 24 2013 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
    How exactly did a Healer merc kill a mob?
    Task lock
    # Jul 18 2012 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
    Task locks when Terris Thule dies.

    [Wed Jul 18 19:56:31 2012] Terris Thule says 'Evade my nightmares for now, but you're no closer to finding Morrel. Soon you will witness the full power of dreams!'
    [Wed Jul 18 19:56:31 2012] You gain group leadership experience!
    [Wed Jul 18 19:56:31 2012] You gain party experience!!
    [Wed Jul 18 19:56:31 2012] Terris Thule crashes to the ground, while shrieks of anguish echo through the burning city.
    [Wed Jul 18 19:56:31 2012] Terris Thule is pummeled by a cascade of rime crystals.
    [Wed Jul 18 19:56:31 2012] Terris Thule has been slain by a lizard hireling!
    [Wed Jul 18 19:56:32 2012] Target player not found.
    [Wed Jul 18 19:56:32 2012] Your task 'The Illuminating Truth' has been updated.
    [Wed Jul 18 19:56:32 2012] Your shared task is now locked. You may no longer add or remove players.
    still odd
    # Jul 03 2011 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
    33 posts
    It is really odd that these aoes for her are both permanent and not merc curable. Seems like something that needs to be fixed.
    still odd
    # Sep 13 2011 at 10:54 PM Rating: Good
    1,308 posts
    That dot sucks ***.
    Better have curse remover
    # Jun 24 2011 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
    33 posts
    Merc clerics can not or will not remove the dots in my experience. They will not even remove it from themselves. Be sure to have someone that can cure curse counters with you or you will all eventually die.

    Be sure to set your mercs to passive so they can die and then revive them. Death or a real character curing them is the only way to get it off a merc cleric.
    more details
    # Jun 06 2011 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
    167 posts
    Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
    more details
    # Mar 15 2012 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
    28 posts
    So, one person cannot get the double invis buff and either has to stay behind or get summoned .

    Actually, if you do this right all group members will have Invisibility + Invisibility to the Undead ( INV + IVU ). The Trick to it is and of course it is much harder to make possible unless two in your group are talking on TS or Right next to one another, as in my case, my wife and I have been doing this trick for years, if you cast INV .05 sec before you cast IVU they will both land on the full group. The way we pull this off is one of us counts back from 3 and when I hear her push her INV button I press my IVU, there is at least .05 sec difference between her cast and mine. I am not sure about cast time of the AA itself, I just know that is how we get around using INV + IVU. Good Luck, hope this works for you, test it out.

    boxing friendly tips
    # Mar 12 2011 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
    I have been 3 boxing this with 86 warrior, 88 bard, 90 shaman and 3 rogue mercs. Here is how I do it ... you may not want to kill as many mobs as I do but this makes the run error-free for me, and it much easier for boxing.

    - drop campfire near quest giver (inside instance)
    - I use bard fade + ivu pot for hails and collecting items
    - park my group inside the tunnel
    - from the tunnel area I clear the bone golem near the tunnel and the 2 mobs inside the little house on the right (next to markus)
    - spawn the shade from markus while invis, run in and run out quickly and it does not aggro
    - pull shade to tunnel and kill

    - make sure group has levi
    - use ivu and move group thru archway that leads to south part of city
    - right after archway climb wall on right (need levi) and park group up top near city wall
    - pull roaming bone golems and skellies up to group on wall
    - clear stationary mobs between archway and stairs
    - move group to area between stairs and archway

    - spawn next 2 shades with same method and pull them out to group - for this step if you don't have a puller that can split you could clear a few more mobs and make clear pull paths

    - campfire to do hails
    - run up top to trigger terris spawn and run out before aggro
    - pull terris down to group

    - CURE group ... if you have trouble with the dots and you're not curing whole group you will prob fail

    The hails and updates.
    # Jan 21 2011 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
    143 posts
    Do you only get the updates for hails when all 3 of the first ones are done? Has anyone tried to use eye of Zomm to get any of the updates?


    The hails and updates.
    # Feb 22 2011 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
    124 posts
    Zomm didn't work as of 3 weeks ago.
    IVU and achievements
    # Jan 18 2011 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
    10 posts
    Alot of the collection and running around updates can be done by a player with both regular invis and IVU. Made my life so much easier and gets u credit for another 2 achievements, challenge of toughness if no one dies, and special delivery achievement if u collect all 3 items in 10 minutes or less.
    IVU and achievements
    # Jan 18 2011 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
    10 posts
    Alot of the collection and running around updates can be done by a player with both regular invis and IVU. Made my life so much easier and gets u credit for another 2 achievements, challenge of toughness if no one dies, and special delivery achievement if u collect all 3 items in 10 minutes or less.
    # Dec 06 2010 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
    175 posts
    Completed this task yesterday with SK (me), Mag, Wiz, Rog, Rng and Clr. All 86-90.

    Finding and speaking to the guild masters can be done by a rogue with levitate, or someone with both invis and ITU running, without aggroing anything if you're careful.
    For the first guy, you cna get past the bone golem by hugging the wall to the right and float over to him or go through the building.
    For the second guy, if you climb the cliff before you get to the see-invis golem entering the main section of Erudin, you can run al the way round to the other side, and then float directly into the little room he's in.
    For the 3rd guy, you can hail him from on the stairs without getting too close.

    When you hail the General, you can be standing behind one of the barricades, and are just far enough he won't aggro you. You can then proceed to single pull him easily (it appears that he corpse camps but his guards do not, thoughwith only one atempt I can't confirm this).

    Getting the parts for the torch is also easy with both invis's on (picking them up does not drop invis), just watch out for the wandering bone golems.

    The first shade pops to the right of the Markus, no need to clear anything beforehand here, park your group next ot the named and you'll be fine.
    Second shade pops right behind Lanken, if you levi your group, and run up the cliffs and round, you can float straight into this little room, and fight here, no need to clear anything.
    Third shade in the library pops just infront of Ghanlin, you'll need to clear a couple of book dervishes and a erudite guy first, then there's space to kill it right where it spawns.
    None of the shades see invis.

    Send a invis person back to the start to hail and be ready on the stairs (but don't go up just yet, as you'll trigger Terris). Kill her and loot the chest, the DoT's are very nasty - we al died to them before opening the chest, so had to run back to finish.

    Edited, Dec 6th 2010 10:15am by Umbraeques
    Permanent dot
    # Dec 04 2010 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
    169 posts
    Warning: Don't know if this was a bug, but Eternal Slumber became permanent on us after the fight. Although RGC did cure it.
    missing dialogues to get mission
    # Dec 04 2010 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
    56 posts
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:12 2010] You say, 'Hail, General Arbin Derrex'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:12 2010] General Arbin Derrex says 'Your dedication is admirable, and most certainly appreciated. We still have a long way to go before our city is reclaimed from the clutches of Heretics. You can continue to help by looking into [rumors] that Deepwater Knights may have fallen from their oaths inside the ruins of the city, or you may take the [fight] to the enemy with an attack on the Heretic leaders. Or perhaps someone with your skill is looking for a more [challenging] task?'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:16 2010] You say, 'challenging'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:16 2010] General Arbin Derrex says 'Brave souls like you give hope for us during this dark nightmare. Unfortunately, the worst is far from over. It is truly a shame that we don't have more like you within our ranks. Keen spirit and an appetite for battle are traits that could turn the tide for our [troops].'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:19 2010] You say, 'troops'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:19 2010] General Arbin Derrex says 'Our offensive numbers have dwindled, but the Spirit of Erud insists on sending more into the fray to recover whatever knowledge lies buried in the burning rubble. I warned that it was a senseless thing to do. We lost our footing here long ago, and attempts to salvage [keepsakes] from the burning city have only resulted in more death and despair.'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:23 2010] You say, 'keepsakes'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:23 2010] General Arbin Derrex says 'Too many have strong sentimental attachments to the city. Do not hear me wrong, I too loved Erudin at its prime, but it is time we abandon our emotions and start thinking strategically. I have urged the Spirit of Erud to withdraw forces and destroy what little is left of Erudin. Knowledge lost is far better than knowledge in the hands of heretics, don't you [agree]?'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:26 2010] You say, 'agree'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:26 2010] General Arbin Derrex says 'The Spirit of Erud refuses to listen to my reasoning. Instead, he allowed our esteemed guild masters to accompany Deepwater Knights into the heart of battle. As is the case with most expedition crews, no one has heard from them since. It is my understanding that if word were to spread that our [pillars] have fallen, the defending forces may lose what little hope they have left.'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:30 2010] You say, 'pillars'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:30 2010] General Arbin Derrex says 'It is possible that their disappearance will serve as a wake up call for the Spirit of Erud. If you are [willing], head into the burning city and discover what has become of the missing Guild Masters. Even if your findings are as grim as I suspect, report to the Spirit of Erud. Perhaps he will then awake from this haze of floundering hope that has him so blind to the truth.'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:34 2010] You say, 'willing'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:35 2010] General Arbin Derrex says 'I'm glad you chose to aid me once again. You should [leave] at once, as we have no time to spare.'
    [Sat Dec 04 14:10:35 2010] You have been assigned the task 'The Illuminating Truth'.
    # Nov 22 2010 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
    5 posts
    Chest dropped Sigiled Synochleon.
    # Nov 15 2010 at 11:29 PM Rating: Good
    Kiss of the Serpent and a Median shard dropped for me. Mnk only H2H not listed above
    # Nov 13 2010 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
    say willing for task
    say leave to enter instance
    Thulian Linked Helm
    # Nov 06 2010 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
    We just got a Thulian Linked Helm for the loot. Honestly...
    Chest drop
    # Nov 03 2010 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
    Can also drop Grinning Skull Buckler
    Emascianite Firegem
    # Nov 01 2010 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
    293 posts
    3 goes and that all I get beside a lesser. RNG hates me.
    # Nov 01 2010 at 11:36 AM Rating: Excellent
    Chest Drops "Unidentifiable Shard of Bone" and "Emascianite Firegem"

    Unidentifiable Shard of Bone

    Emascianite Firegem

    Edited, Nov 1st 2010 2:12pm by HipposlayerAB
    # Oct 30 2010 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
    27 posts
    Dropped Algot's Focus Crystal for me
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