Aid Garuuk  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Planes of Power
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Oct 30 20:27:12 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Aid Garuuk says 'Hullo traveler, an' welcum ta New Tanaan. Have ya been sittin' in da library very long? Da pages contained whif'in dese walls hold many inturestin' bits uv knowledge. As aides ta da council, our job is ta help assist our represenuhtives wif da task uv cullectin' more an' more knowledge fer da library. Right now I'm busy researchin' artifacts uv power fer Srethix but I'm missin' sum books I need. An' worse den dat, all dis werk has made me late in deliverin' sum supplies ta Grobb. Do ya think you could [give me a hand] whif dat?'

You say, 'I will give you a hand.'

Aid Garuuk says 'Umm, on secund thought, maybe you shudn't help me after all. Da trolls where I come frum aren't as kind an' undurstandin' as I am.'

You begin casting Illusion: Troll.

You say, 'I will give you a hand.'

Aid Garuuk says 'Dat wud be great! My cuzin has been lookin' fer sum new ingredients ta experuhment whif his alchemy. I wuz suppos'd ta bring him sum but I didn't have da time. If you could get a Swirling Banshee Essense, Arachnae Fangs, a Wrulon Claw, an' a Blood Raven Tailfeather, take dem ta my cuzin Bregna in Grobb. He'll be most happy ta see dem delivured.'

Give the four items to Bregna (now back in Grobb) and he gives you a Troll Receipt.

Bregna says 'Dis am gud. I see you've been talkin' to Garuuk. Methanks you fer da help. Take dis note back ta Garuuk so he knows you helped me. Tanks again!'

You get the following faction when handing in the items to Bregna

Your faction standing with Dark Ones got better. +4
Your faction standing with Shadowknights of Night Keep got better. +1
Your faction standing with Frogloks of Guk got worse.-1
You gain experience!!

Give the Troll Receipt to Aid Garuuk for your reward.

Aid Garuuk says 'Great! I see you got da supplies ta Bregna after all. I wuz worried you might not make it too. Silly me fer tinkin' dat. Here, you can have dis as payment fer yer time. Oh hey, if you got sum more time, maybe you can help me again? Srethix is lookin' fer sum books, but I don't know where dey be at. You shud ask Srethix what books you can help him find. I put in a gud werd fer you, don't worry!'

You gain experience!!
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# Jul 03 2022 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
100 posts
You get the following faction when handing in the items to Bregna
Your faction standing with Dark Ones got better. +4
Your faction standing with Shadowknights of Night Keep got better. +1
Your faction standing with Frogloks of Guk got worse.-1
You gain experience!!

If trying to raise your faction, there is no need to talk to Aid Garuuk or hand in the Troll Receipt - just make sure you destroy the Troll Receipt before turning in a new set of the four quest items to Bregna.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2022 2:42pm by Atlans
Dialogue and faction
# Nov 24 2012 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
16 posts
Upon handing Bregna the 4 quest items:

Bregna says "Dis am gud. I see you've been talkin' to Garuuk. Methanks you fer da help. Take dis note back ta Garuuk so he knows you helped me. Tanks again!"

Your faction standing with Dark Ones got better.
Your faction standing with Shadowknights of Night Keep got better.
Your faction standing with Frogloks of Guk got worse.
You gain experience.

Upon handing the Troll Receipt to Aid Garuuk:

Aid Garuuk says "Great! I see you got da supplies ta Bregna after all. I wuz worried you might not make it too. Silly me fer tinkin' dat. Here, you can have dis as payment fer yer time. Oh hey, if you got sum more time, maybe you can help me again? Srethix is lookin' fer sum books, but I don't know where dey be at. You shud ask Srethix what books you can help him find. I put in a gud werd fer you, don't worry!"

You gain experience.

bad quest
# Sep 04 2004 at 3:45 AM Rating: Default
Protector of Valor dropped the Wrulon Clw tonight. Why such a wimpy reward for this drop??
Bregna Loc
# Oct 18 2003 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
Bregna is found in Neriak Foreign Quarter at location -252, -232.
now that sucked
# Aug 28 2003 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
261 posts
Make sure you are either in Troll form or sneaked when giving Aid Garuuk your receipt. I assumed he, unlike his counterpart in Neriak, was past all of that, and so just gave him the receipt straight-up. He said,

"What's dis? A receipt frum a Wood Elf? You cud not have gottun dis from Bregna, dis must be a forgury. I'll keep dis so you can't fool anywun else whif dis again."

Oh well... guess I took that one for the team.
Urnihixul Noctumbra

~Order of Seibwen/Ancient Fellowship/In Via Damnum/Alliance of Hope~
108 Rogue
RE: now that sucked
# Aug 30 2003 at 4:05 AM Rating: Excellent
261 posts
Did the quest again today. You can test whether he will give you the reward by telling him you will give him a hand (as demonstrated above). As a Wood Elf rogue, he sent me away; however, under Illusion: Dark Elf (mask), the transaction worked fine. (So not just Troll.)
Urnihixul Noctumbra

~Order of Seibwen/Ancient Fellowship/In Via Damnum/Alliance of Hope~
108 Rogue
# Apr 17 2003 at 6:51 PM Rating: Default
Will the blood raven tailfeathers from Troment work for this if anyone knows?
Grobb ??
# Feb 12 2003 at 4:27 PM Rating: Default
Ummmm "take dem ta my cuzin Bregna in Grobb."
Grobb is no longer Grobb with this new expansion. Is this still a valid quest ?.. and whats the reward ?
RE: Grobb ??
# Feb 27 2003 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
I think one would have to assume that the person attempting the quest would go to Neriak Foreign Quarter now.
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 12 2003 at 4:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
Details needed
# Jan 16 2003 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent

Can anybody that's actually completed this quest confirm which tailfeather is needed for it? There are reports that neither of the feater drops from Blood Ravens in PoNightmares work for this quest. If you've done this, where did you get your feather and what exactly was it named?
RE: Details needed
# Jan 22 2003 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
I found mine on a merchant. No idea where it came from. It is called exactly what is asked for, a Blood Raven Tailfeather. Looks lioke a foraged feather in SH.
RE: Details needed
# Feb 14 2003 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
It drops from blood raven in PoN.
another question to ask him
# Jan 07 2003 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
try asking him what book, or books, he asks for the Tome of dark Power, located somewhere inside the library, I don't know where as of yet.
# Dec 30 2002 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
What did Garruk say when he gave you the Hoop? I agree with the above poster, there's gotta be a follow-on quest, given the difficulty of the drops.
Reward is - Hoop of the Traveller
# Dec 23 2002 at 6:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Take the four items to the guy in Grobb and hand them in if you can get near him. As a bard he completed the quest at Dubious faction (DE mask + faction song to get to dubious). He gives you a Troll Receipt. Hand it back to Aid Garruk and you get ...

Hoop of the Traveler
Slot: EAR
AC: 2
STA: +5 WIS: +5 INT: +5 HP: +35
MANA: +35
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

... which is definitely NOT what I wanted to see having spent hours killing Wrulons in HoH to get a damned claw.
RE: Reward is - Hoop of the Traveller
# Dec 24 2002 at 10:57 PM Rating: Excellent
The name says it all. Hoop of the Traveller. In order to finally acquire it (without buying any of the components) you have to have killed in PoD, PoN, possibly PoTorment, and HoH. Okay, first two are readily accesible, but to reach the others you've had to be flagged for Valor and Storms for a start. Then you have to get flagged for HoH. My point is you have to do aLOT to actually acquir this item first hand, and so yes, I can understand that it was definitely not what you wanted to see. It wasn't what I wanted to see. Overall I'd say my Fingerbone Hoop is better. This reward is, well, it seems to me to be ridiculous for the level needed to attain.

The only thing that could possibly have caused Verant to make this such a weak reward for the level/effort to attain is that it, and all its components, are not no drop, therefore making it accesible to anyone.

Quite why they did this, I don't know. :/. The only thing that comes to mind is that it may be needed for something else. Something along the lines of the planar travellers manual?


PS Oh, the only other thing that occured to me was that the reward was related to your faction - Bergna didn't think much of you, so he didn't give you much. Perhaps someone with better faction would get something else.

It would be nice if this were true, and implimented, but I doubt it somehow. Lol. :)

Edited, Tue Dec 24 22:36:09 2002
# Dec 20 2002 at 2:54 PM Rating: Default
Has anyone finished this yet? What is the reward?
Tail feather
# Dec 10 2002 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
The tailfeathers do drop off blood ravens in PoN. I had one drop and destroyed it..thinkin it was junk.
RE: Tail feather
# Dec 11 2002 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
Blood Raven's in PoN drop Silken Tailfeathers and Blood Encrusted Tailfeathers also. Are you sure you had a "Blood Raven Tailfeather", or was it one of the other two?
Where aret thou, Components?
# Nov 27 2002 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
This is some info that may help out those engaged in this quest, as I am.

Firstly, the Arachnae Fangs. Not too unrare drop off spiders in the Plane of Disease. 10pp from vendors (more common than off the spiders lol).

The Swirling Banshee Essence. Listed as loot on the Vexed Banshee's found in the Plane of Nightmare.

Blood Raven Tailfeather. I strongly recommend you don't knock yourself out trying to acquire one in Nightmare. All those dead raven's and noone's seen one? Well, Blood Raven's are also listed in the bestiary for the Plane of Torment. Level 59. I would suggest you look there, if you can.

Finally, the Wrulon Claw. There is a bestiary entry for a Wrulon Guard. It is found in the Temple of Marr. Level 64. Ouch.

Given the location of the Claw, I'm quite interested to see just what the reward is - I'm unsure however, if it's as simple as obtaining the four items and handing them to Bregna in Grobb - kinda thinking that maybe he'll give you more. I hope not, but I'm suspicious atm.

Happy hunting.

"My mental capacities are twice what yours are, ya pea brain!" from the film The Rescuers Down Under
Wrulon claw
# Nov 24 2002 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
Okay i'm not absolutely 100% positvie this is right but i believe i looted a Wrulon Claw off one of those Wraiths that are near the guardian camp. I'll check my inventory tonight and repost to confirm.

The Rathe
level 70 Beastlord
The Rathe
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 31 2002 at 2:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) name asks it all
No need for Troll illusion
# Oct 30 2002 at 11:45 PM Rating: Good
I got the quest dialog as an Iksar.
Need help
# Oct 30 2002 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
I've gotten the arachnae fangs and the swirling banshee essence, but can't find the other 2 pieces. I have no idea where a wrulon claw comes from and I assume the Blood Raven Tail Feather drops off a blood raven in PoN, but have not seen one yet. I took a silken tail feather and the blood encrusted feather (both blood raven drops) to Bregna in Grobb and he hands both back to me. Has anyone seen a blood raven tail feather or a wrulon claw? Any info is much appreciated.

Litanis Nitebringer
Tul Acharn - Rodcet Nife

Edited, Thu Oct 31 09:14:24 2002
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 30 2002 at 6:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I talked to this guy and got the quest,,,,although I think I am kos in grobb, not sure if I can finish this quest or not.
# Oct 30 2002 at 6:43 PM Rating: Default
if this is going to require an illusion troll spell, shouldnt the best class part be changed from "all" to reflect that? unless we can find some other way to make him talk. or unless chanters can cast it on other folks as well (which if i recall isnt possible, cause i thought their illusion spells were self only).
RE: enchanters
# Oct 31 2002 at 6:14 AM Rating: Default
Chanters have gained a new aa ability that allows them to cast illusions on others. Just F.Y.I. so all mark can stand! Hehe
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