The Pirate Ship  

Status: Removed

Quest Started By:Description:
Time:8 hours
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Scars of Velious
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Feb 27 18:01:42 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This quest has been discontinued.

You say, 'hail Breezeboot Swordrattler'

Breezeboot Swordrattler says 'Arr! Well, blow me down and hoist me mizzenmast! Swab the fo'c'sle and kick the bosun! Arrgh, to the four winds with this! I am cold, wet, hungry, shipwrecked, and bloody tired of playing at being a pirate. Breezeboot is not really my name, but it will do for now. I do not know how you got here, but you give me hope of escaping this frozen hell. We have been shipwrecked here for weeks now, though that is a long story.

You say, 'what long story'

Breezeboot Swordrattler says 'We were trying to make a good coastal map of Velious, you understand, and to do that, we needed to circumnavigate the continent. Figured we might find some treasure too. It was not an easy trip, but the boys I brought along are pretty good sailors, and they all know their business, unlike that group of pretend pirates back at the Iceclad landing. We were doing fine until a storm blew up, and ran us right into these rocks. Our port screw, or was that starboard, anyway, the one on the left, broke on the bottom, and we started shipping water, floodiing the boiler. There is no way we can repair the damage. So here we are - stuck!

You say, 'I will help you'

Breezeboot Swordrattler says 'Well, we will need lumber - a good bit of it. I saw some likely wrecks when we sailed up the Cobalt Scar, you might want to look there. We also need rope, a lot of it, to lash the logs together, at least one hundred feet. Finally, we need something we can use as a sail - I do not like the idea of trying to paddle all the way back. I am not sure what you can find for that, but it needs to be strong, light, and not pass much air. Gather all that up, and come see me. I think I might have a bit of plunder and booty I can part with, in payment.

He needs you to collect the following items:

Sail -- A Huge Drake Wing which is Dropped by Tranala, a lv 65 named drake in Western Wastes.

Rope -- Water Proofed Rope which drops off of a haunted sea chest, a lv 51 mob which can be found in Cobalt Scar (In water).

Lumber -- Seaworthy Planking. This is a random ground pop in the Iceclad Ocean. It usually pops near the gnomes. You should try to find it on some empty small isle.

Bring him these three items for your reward.
Submitted by: Doraan
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Still have the planking.
# Jun 21 2005 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
169 posts
I still have the seaworthy planking on my abandoned gimp level 47 Druid on Innoruuk. If there is anyone that has the two other pieces and can actually wield it we can try if the hand in still works. Seems like it could be multi-questable, however, they might have disabled the quest alltogether. Especially since the dialogue was altered. But who knows!

I play as Bulge on the Antonius Bayle server, give me a cross-server tell.
If they were discontinued...
# Jan 17 2005 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
429 posts
Then why are some items are still in there? I just found the waterproofed rope by accident and when I checked the quest, it was shown that one of the 3 items required for this quest no longer exists in the game. Why bother leaving the rope or the drake wing if they aren't used for anything else? Over 2 years, you'd think someone figured to remove that 2 items.
What is this website
# Jul 28 2004 at 9:48 PM Rating: Default
i am a newbie what do i get to do?
RE: What is this website
# Aug 01 2004 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
If you're refering to this quest, nothing as this is discontinued. Simply put, you can no longer do this quest.
i own this weapon
# May 13 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
i own this weapon ... click the link to the actual weapon for a post regarding the item ... also if anyone wants more screenshots just say the word, though the graphic is the sames as in previous screenshots
Quest no longer given 8/22/03
# Aug 22 2003 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
I spoke to the gnome and he no longer replies to, "I will help you" or any variations. Basically it is just a bunch of gnomes in a broken boat, far off in the nowhere part of the Wastes with a little story.

#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 02 2003 at 6:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If it's not avaialable to everyone in the game I say rip it out completely. ******* ******** to have people running around with items no one can get anymore lording it over the rest of us. **** them and sony.
Confirmed, quest was discontinued
# Apr 05 2003 at 11:23 PM Rating: Excellent
188 posts
Spoke to Legends staff and it is no longer in the game.
# Mar 10 2003 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
I believe it was revamped quest and its idfferent now (unsolved)

I just thought of apperantly the skelly uses old model which hasnt been existing for like at least 2 years now so the screen shto is VERY old

Edited, Mon Mar 10 05:02:23 2003
A Haunted Seachest
# Jan 21 2003 at 8:11 AM Rating: Excellent
I was fishing cobalt Cod when A Haunted Seachest came from water on me.
I am 42 Duid and that mob was dark blue me. So A Haunted Seachest is under 42 level.
I asked help from other but never helper me.
I killed it finally. I used my Warden Symbol Of Tunare for rooting. With it I kept it in root that i got mana for Drones of Droom. It is hard to kill without mana. Almost all time I had only 10% mana.
It mob had Section of a Draconic Tome and 100' of Waterproofed Rope and Star Rose Quartz.
# Dec 10 2002 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
This quest has been changed or been removed because the text you get when u talk to him is different.

1st - Same
2nd - Same
3rd - Say will help you but no response. I tried "why are you stuck" and get some text not under the quest info. The text talks about not having the supplies needed to fix the ship and can't seem to find any remarks to contiue the text.
broken yes, FIX it damn you!
# Nov 29 2002 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
I ran into a level 60 rogue with one of these babies. looks pretty sweet. the knockback hurled me quite far and did a massive damage to me. (course she didnt have that great of an archery skill)It looks cool. Like a cannon cept that the "Barrel" has 3 claws on the end that are transparent, that open and close constantly. This would make a great pulling weapon.
officially broken
# Nov 07 2002 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
i spent well over 50 hours looking for the wood before i finally petitioned to see if the quest was still in play. A GM.. not a guide, and honest to goodness GM on Lanys told me that it was no longer possible to get the BFG. So /feedback that we want this quest back, maybe they will replace it =)
# Oct 08 2002 at 12:04 PM Rating: Default
Would someone who found the wood please give a Lil bit more detail, your being totally vague about how you found it and where. Don't expect a big influx of people if you happen to mention where it is because most people I know don't even know what it is. I looked around Iceclad all day and even around those two gnomes and got nothing.
haunted chest...
# Jul 16 2002 at 8:28 PM Rating: Default NOT lvl 51..i know i was soloing that mob with my 47 druid and that rope dropped quite of a few times..hes very easy to kill and always conned blue.
# Jul 08 2002 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
ok as of july 7th i have triggerd "Some Planks of wood wash up to your feet" But no wood also jump the islands till your on the other side of ratop and ritop dive underwater and youll see 2 rocks of them moves which i think has something to do with the wood. i have high hopes that the wood is still there and will contiune to search
(I dont plan and tellin ya were the Trigger point is i do have a loc but its near ritop and ratop) Good luck!
It still spawns
# Jun 09 2002 at 9:46 PM Rating: Good
38 posts
As for the wood? It still spawns.

I picked up a plank on June 05, 2002 in Iceclad on Brell.

Th secret is simple. It no longer spawns on the ground. It's a triggered trap. I am sure if you spent enough time looking for one you heard the "No wood here" message? Well, on Jnue 5th, I triggered "Some planks wash up on the shore" and lo and behold, there was the planking.

To answer the mundane questions:

1. I don't know how many traps, and to be honest, I didn't grab a loc, though I was down by the Ratop/Ritop Gnomes when I got the message.

2. It's not for sale. I am holding it for MQ with someone I know.

3. It's there, if you find a loc that spawns the "There's no wood here" message, check the loc every so often, I am sure it's like the 4th shawl guy, several spots and they change what spawns there (only no Death Squad.. :) )

Edited, Sun Jun 9 22:40:08 2002
# May 29 2002 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
Nope, it doesn't spawn anymore. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news =(
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 03 2002 at 3:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you're a complete idiot! if it did not spawn in the game any more they would have taken the quest out of the game, you can try to keep looking or maybe they relocated the lumber to Cobalt Scar...that is what it sounds like to me, just read the quest lines
RE: =(
# Jun 09 2002 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
quest is broken, no more of these babies are gonna be givin out =\
RE: =(
# Jun 22 2002 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
NOOOOOOOO! i wanted to get a leafblower =(
RE: =(
# Sep 21 2002 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know about the quest overall...but the wood does still spawn. I picked up a plank while waiting for ole Stormfeather last night. Still
# Apr 19 2002 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
I have heard from a lot of people that the wood doesn't pop anymore, I really wish it wasn't true as I went throught the trouble of getting the two other pieces. I would assume lots of people have accidentally picked em up not knowing what it was and maybe put it in their bank. So if anyone has it on Brell, tell me so we can work something out.
Does this Item still exist?
# Mar 01 2002 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
I've been looking for the planking for a month or so, I've found items that look like bags on the ground, but when i pick them up, there's nothing on my cursor. Any ideas?
RE: Does this Item still exist?
# Mar 27 2002 at 11:40 PM Rating: Excellent
361 posts
Often when this happens it means that the item you are trying to pick up is Lore and you already have one. Therefore you can't pick up the duplicate. This may be what's happening with these bags you're finding. Or maybe not ;-)
RE: Does this Item still exist?
# Mar 21 2002 at 1:32 AM Rating: Default
Where did you find the bags? I've spent countless hours looking over the uninhabited icebergs and have started swimming to look for it. Can someone that has found this or suspicious looking bags indicate whether this has been found or in the water and an approx. location to look?
RE: Does this Item still exist?
# Apr 07 2002 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
Thats a good question. i've been wandering the islands too and have had no luck finding this planking. annoyingly enough i asked a gm if it even spawned anymore and he said that he couldnt tell me because that was "game information". if anybody has found this lately can you Please post the loc? would help out a lot
The missing plank
# Feb 02 2002 at 7:54 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone have an update on this quest? Is the plank now back in the game and has actually found one? If yes then a zone and loc would be appreciated.
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 24 2001 at 2:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this quest 60lv only?
One More Thing
# Nov 10 2001 at 7:48 PM Rating: Default
Forgot to add - you can use any of the three items to MQ. Have fun, and good luck. :)

Torbad Izbad
Level 50 Druid
The Details
# Nov 10 2001 at 7:44 PM Rating: Default
The Haunted Seachest is level 40-43 and drops the Rope every time. As a 48 druid I solo'd it easily with root-dot. It can be found in Cobalt Scar near the Othmir camps under water inside a sunken ship.

The wood still spawns in Iceclad, though very rarely. Usually found at the lilly-pad islands.

Tranala is a level 65 drake with a huge cold-based AoE, and AoE dispell. She's a static spawn in Western Wastes, and the only difficult part of the quest.

The weapons ID's as "BFG Model 9000".

Torbad Izbad
Level 50 Druid
What level minimum?
# Oct 13 2001 at 10:00 AM Rating: Default
Do you HAVE to be level 60 to get the gnasher?
# Oct 05 2001 at 6:50 AM Rating: Default
Last i heard the quest was broken anyone hear diffrently....
RE: Broke
# Oct 12 2001 at 4:34 PM Rating: Default
by broken i'm assuming you mean the wood stopped spawning?

my friend picked some up the other day, so just be patient and try not to freeze yer @$$ off on those little icebergs.
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